Chapter 21

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The morning comes around and Alex made us a huge breakfast. After eating and helping the boys clean up, even though they insisted I didn’t have to clean. I quickly have a shower because I don't want Drake to smell the boys on me, if he even could. I gave everyone hugs and we eventually said our goodbyes. I promised to visit them during the week.

I arrive home and luckily the weather isn’t too chilly, I take my bag and head into the house. I see moms hand bag on the counter near the door so I know she’s home. I go straight to my room and throw my bag on the chair in the corner of my room.

I’ll unpack that later.

I lie on my bed and send my friends a message telling them I’m home. Hopefully I can have a little nap before they arrive to fetch me. I put my earphones into my IPod and get comfortable when Georgina decides to come into my room looking like she just woke up ,still in the clothes she obviously passed out in, so I take out my earphones and wait for her to say something snotty.

“Don’t look at me like that Alexia!” she snaps at me as she walks and sits on the bed next to me but looking out the window ,trying to smooth her wild hair and wipe her messy mascara from under her eyes.

“Like what?” I ask, raising an eyebrow and leaning on my elbow but still laying on my bed.

“Like I disgust you…” she’s says in an almost whisper.

I decide not to comment on that and change the topic because at this moment I am rather disgusted in her.

“What happened last night? Weren’t you supposed to stay at your boyfriends?” I ask her emphasizing the word boyfriend.

“We had a fight, so Amber picked me up for drinks then I stayed at her place. I came in about 10 minutes before you walked in. Where were you by the way?” she says while she plays with her nails.

“I went to visit my friend Alex again. What’s your shift like this week? I wanted to go see them again this week.” I tell her.

“I’m working evening shifts throughout this week but you can take the car and I’ll just get Amber to take me. You’re spending a lot of time with them Lexi, how do your friends feel about all of this? “She asks.

“Thanks, they don’t mind, I’m actually staying over at them tonight.” I tell her and her eyes widen with surprise.

“You’re staying with them tonight? Did Jax’s parents agree to it? “She asks.

“Yeah, Frankie was the one who actually suggested it.” I tell her.

“Why they hell would they want you there?” she says in a repulsed voice.

“Why the hell wouldn’t they want me there? What’s so wrong with me?” I yell getting angry.

“You’re just…YOU, nothing special, I don’t even see why their kids are even friends with you. They have a lot going for you and are just going to end up like – “ I interrupt her as I get off the bed.

“Like what? Like YOU? A druggie alcoholic who acts like they’re 16, slutting herself around to all the guys at the bar? Embarrassing ME in front of MY friends!! I don’t even know who you are anymore; I fucking HATE this person you’ve become! Just when I think you are the old mother I had when dad was around, you turn into this!” I say gesturing towards her.

She’s now standing and her eyes have darkened, her breaths are labored and she looks crazy. i lose all the courage i had moments before as she stalk over to me. She raises her hand and SLAP! She hits me with so much force I fall over my side table and lampshade next to my bed, shattering the glass frame that was next to my bed of my father and I. I turn over slowly on the floor facing where she was standing but it’s all starting to blur, I don’t hear anything and my sight is slowly fading.

Where did Ronny come from? Jax is there too and he looks like he’s shouting at my mother, her head is facing the floor and now she’s crying. I see feet right in front of my face and the person bends, revealing Drakes beautiful face. He’s talking but I can’t hear the words.

I can’t believe she just slapped me, she isn’t that big of a woman, where the fuck did all that strength come from??

My stomach is stinging and I put my hand there to feel wetness, I look down to see my trembling hand covered in blood.

All the sound comes back at once and I hear Jax yelling, Georgina sobbing and Ronny saying she’s going to call Frankie.

“Lexi can you hear me? LEXI are you okay? ANSWER ME!!” Drake stops then looks at my hand and the small pool of blood that is now seeping into the cheap floor boards beneath me.

“Oh God Jax! She’s bleeding! A LOT! We need to get her to the house NOW!” Drake screams and tries shifting me but I scream out in pain, I see Frankie run into the house and he slaps my mother on the face, Scarlet runs to me and starts pushing the hair out of my face that’s now covered in blood.

I must have hit my head too.

Ignoring the commotion that’s going on in my room , I look at the ground in front of me and see the photo that was once in the glass frame of my father and I.

“I tried picking her up but she just screams, she’s in too much pain!” Drake tells Frankie who rushes to my side.

“For fuck sake Drake!” Jax yells pushing past everyone, he hauls me up ignoring my screams of pain.

Jax holds me tight against his chest, his warmth soothes me and I can hear his heart beat against my ear quicken as he runs.

“Baby, stay awake… Lexi please I need you to stay awake.” Jax says in a gruff voice.

“I can’t lose you baby you have to get through this. I need you Alexia. Please no no no keep your eyes open!”

Clutching my dad’s photo to my chest, the pain slowly subsides into numbness and darkness takes overs.


authors note: 

Hi all !

If you are enjoying my book please have a look at my blog for info where you can find samples and info on where to buy it. 

more info on the next part.

Happy Reading

Much love


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