Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

As I get outta my car and start walking toward our house, the clouds open up and starts pouring rain so by the time I reach the door I’m soaking wet. I open the door to a dark house, all the curtains closed and I know that moms not here since her handbag that usually sits on the table near the door is missing.

I walk into my room and I look through my windows it’s all gloomy and dark outside with the rain and lightning whipping down. I pull off my shirt and shorts so that I’m in my lacey purple underwear and black lacey bra. I walk to the bathroom to get a towel and on my walk back to my room I hit a hard bear chest that wasn’t there a minute ago.

“Drake! What the fuck! You nearly gave me a heart attack! What is wrong with you? How did you get in here? Haven’t you heard of knocking? “I scream at him and pull the towel that I was drying my hair with over my body and stomp to my room to get clothes but I don’t get a chance to reach my drawers because Drake grabs my shoulders and pushes me into my door closing it behind me.

“Don’t fucking shout at me Lexi, where were you?? Why did you disobey us? ” he bangs me into the door. I shudder at the pain that goes through my spine at the impact and the anger that is radiating off of Drake. I finally understand what Ronny told me about Drakes "other side".

This pisses me off and Little as I am,I try my hardest to push his chest ...he doesn’t even budge, my towel drops and I don’t even care,

”Don’t disobey you?? Who the fuck do you think you are? I can do whatever the fuck I want and NO ONE, specifically NOT YOU is going to stop me! What is wrong with you? Why are you so mad? I just visited an old friend, what is your problem? I came back didn’t I??” I yell at him trying to control the tears from trickling over that are in my eyes.

“Don’t do that Lexi, you’re making it sound like it wasn’t a big deal when it is! All I wanted to know was where you were going and who you were seeing? Why did you make such a big deal about it? “He asks as his voice wavers. I can see he is trying to calm himself down. His hands are on the door on either side of my head blocking me in and his face is right in front of mine, then he lifts his head as if he is smelling the air. Could he be able to smell the twins on me?  He looks back at me and i can see through the light coming from my window from the lightning that his once beautiful hazel eyes are black now, he stares down at me, intimidating me, making me tremble with fear. 

“Who the FUCK did you see?” he says as he puts his hands on the side of my arms and pushes me into the door hard , my feet are dangling a few inches above the ground. With the force from the door on my back and head, the air from my lungs is pushed out, if it wasn’t for his hands that are still on my arms I probably would fall to the floor. His hands are so tight around my arms, that’s definitely going to leave bruises.

“Why can’t you just tell me? What’s the big secret? It’s not safe out there! Don’t you understand that you are MINE? No one else fucking touches you but ME!” he roars at me as he pushes his body into mine so I can’t move making me shove against the door again hurting my shoulder blades. His nose is now so close to mine, his black eyes show so much anger and I can feel his breath on my lips. I’ve never been more terrified in my existence; I don’t understand why he is treating me like this.

I feel the tears that I’ve been hiding start to fall down my cheek as I whisper afraid he might hurt me more, “It’s not safe out there? Where IS IT safe then? Here? With you?” he looks down at the bruises he’s caused that are already forming on my arms and his eyes turn back to brown, the look of guilt takes over his face.

“Fuck…” he raises his hand and I cringe, I turn my head and put my one hand up to cover my face and to stop the blow that I’m waiting to hit my face, it doesn’t come ,

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