True Reflection

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Scarlett's POV

I woke up to have a stapled face ginger smirking at me. "Morning sleeping beauty," he grinned.

"I hate you," I groaned as I sat up to see I'm surrounded by lunatics at a circus. Great.

"Oh, please you love me!"

"I did," I clarified and he glared at me before pulling me up, rather harshly might I add.

"Hey! Hands off the merchendise, pal," I growled at Jerome to which he just rolled his eyes. I turned my attention to my surroundings and scoffed.

Gotham really is a piece of work.

I saw Bruce getting his face painted by maniacs and as I went to help him Jerome stopped me.

"Do you want me to roast you alive?" I threatened to which he just laughed.

"Babygirl, you and I both know that you would never-"

His sleeve caught fire.

"Dammit!" he groaned and put it out. I smirked proudly until a gun was pressed to my forehead. "I won't hesitate"

My eyes began to water and I shivered at the cold metal against my skin. "P-please, stop J. Y-you're sca-aring me," i stuttered and shook in fear. He immediately threw the gun to his side and was at my level in a second caressing me.

"I'm sorry, my love I didn't mean to-"

I started laughing making him freeze.

"You bitch," he muttered and pushed me away as I kept laughing.

"Oh you should've seen your face! You're so... weak" I said the last part with no emotion in my tone or expression. He didn't show it, but I could tell he was a bit frightened at my state.

"I'm starting to think you're more crazy than I am, dollface"

I looked around at this stupid bloody circus and scoffed.

"Enjoying yourself?" Jerome asked me.

"You're a murderer. A liar. A maniac," his face was inches from mine at this point.

"Your point?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"My point is... While Chaos may be delightful, you are disorganized and unskilled and thats going to get you killed"

"How did you become more.. powerful?"

"When you died and I realized my true potential. Without you or anyone else's help"

"Sir?" Jerome groaned in annoyance as he stepped away from me and turned to face one of his minions. "The boy is done"

"Excellent!" he turned back to me and whispered "Stay here, love" before walking off with the man. I rolled my eyes and leaned against the gate, when I felt someones presence next to me... Except it wasn't Jerome.

"I can see why Jerome takes such an interest in you," this man said as he ran a hand up and down my arm. I held my breathe and tensed up. "Which is why I don't think he'd mind if I borrow you for a bit"

He shoved me against the gate roughly and I sneered at him.

"Okay, but first I want to tell you a secret," I whispered seductively in his ear. He smirked at that and nodded. "I like to take control"

I kicked him back and punched him in the face a few times before grabbing him by the shirt and shoving him against the gate. I smiled darkly as I pulled out my knife and ran it across his face.

"Now, instead of having Jerome handle you... I think I want to have fun this time." I flipped my knife around and stabbed him in the gut laughing as he groaned in pain. "Oh, does that hurt? Oh I am so so sorry," I said sarcastically before twisting the knife inside him. After I stabbed him a few more times I began to get bored. "Alright I'm bored. But before you go clean yourself up I have one more thing for you"

Falling for a Maniac- Jerome Valeska FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now