True Sanity

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Scarlett's POV

He brought Bruce and I back toJeromes grave and I stopped in my tracks when I saw Jerome's body. A tear fell down my cheek and I bent down to his level and ran my hand gently across his face. I know I hated him and that I was against him... but we had something once upon a time and it meant something to me and I didn't get to say goodbye.

I sighed and stood up when Jeremiah began to talk.

"Jerome beat me? That'll be the day," Jeremiah laughed and suddenly his followers came out of no where and took Bruce and I by force.

"Get the fuck off of me, you bum," I sneered and struggled to get free.

"Long live Jerome! Long Live Jerome! Jerome is Victorious at last!" one of his followers yelled and I watched as Jeremiahs face dropped and he took out his gun and shot the man before he could finish. Blood splattered all over his face and I watched as he blinked it out of his eye sight.

"Jerome... Victorious? Are you serious? He's dead. Haven't you been paying attention?" He asked those in front of him as he took his glasses off. He took out his cloth and ran it down his face to reveal his new skin color thanks to the gas.

'Told ya!' my inner self yelled. Guess it wasn't just the looks that the insanity gas gifted Jeremiah.

He walked over to Jerome's body and kicked him into his grave.

"Jeremiah-" I warned but stopped there. He looked down at the grave.

"I am the one whose victorious. You held Scarlett back, but now," He looked up at me and I have had enough. I burned the guy who was holding me down and stood up. Another one of his buddies tried to grab me but I snapped my head towards him and said"try it, i dare you."

I turned back to Jeremiah. "First off, he didn't hold me back. No one holds me back, understand? Damn, I really thought you loved me. I really thought we could be happy. You stupid Valeska boys just don't know when to quit, do ya? You piece of sh-" he pointed the gun in my direction and I stopped talking as he interrupted me.

"Scarlett, be a dear would you?" he asked as he held out his napkin. I rolled my eyes and stalked towards him.

"Scarlett, what are you doing?" Bruce asked.

"The dude has a gun pointed at me what do you want me to do?"I stopped in front of Jeremiah and he handed me the napkin with a smile. I nodded and wiped off the rest of the blood and makeup on his face.

"Look, Bruce. Like everything Jerome set his mind to, his insanity gas failed. Other than some mild cosmetic effects, he might as well have sprayed me with water. You all need to see Jerome for the utter dud that he was, so I dawned the mask of madness to show you how feeble that is compared to actual greatness," he explained. "Behold... The face of true sanity. But, looks aren't everything. I have all of Jeromes obsessions and I will out do every one of them. Jerome wanted to turn Gotham into a madhouse, but to truly build something you must tear down what is already there"

"Jerome, was mad. The things he wanted to do to you. Me? If I wanted to kill you I'd just do it. Simply and sanely." The followers started cheering when he raised the gun up but put it down after he said "But I don't want to kill you"

They started to groan in protest, but Jeremiah quickly shut them up.

"You gonna listen? Or are you going to behave like children?" They all went quiet. The dark side of me got turned on by that, though I'd never admit it. Jeremiah started to explain why he isn't going to kill him, but an explosion in the distance caught my attention.

"Thats one down... Jim Gordon is dead," my heart stopped. I slowly turned my head to face Jeremiah and looked at him in pure anger and rage.

"What. Did. You. Do?"

He didn't answer. My eyes turned orange and I felt myself heating up.

"What did you do?!" I yelled at him.

"What I had to. My condolences," he said with the slightest smirk etched upon his lips. I smirked in response and pulled him close to me by his shirt. I put my lips to his ear.

"If I find out you succeeded in killing my uncle, I will destroy you. And to think... I actually thought we'd be good together again. You may have just killed any chance of you actually accomplishing all of the things Jerome has done, if you know what I mean"

I pulled away and began to walk away when he tried to stop me by grabbing my wrist. I spun around and punched him in the face.

"I hope that leaves a mark," I comment. I turned to Bruce. "I'll make sure Alfred is okay. I'm so sorry for all of this"

I turned back to Jeremiah. "You try to seek me out, you're as dead as you are to me. Come find me at your own damn risk," I sassed before making my way out of the graveyard.


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