Found You

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Scarlett's POV

"I need to leave the city Barbara! Xander has little to no food and we can't feed him alcohol!" I whisper-yelled after putting Xander down for bed.

"I know a way for you to get into the city, Scar but it's risky," Selina spoke up and I didn't even know she was here.


"The tunnel Jeremiah dug. It's complete and abandoned now," she shrugged. "I'll even escort you to the entrance of it"

"What's the catch?"

"I'm that things godmother," she pointed to Xander.

"Honey, you already were," I smiled. She tried to seem like it wasn't a big deal to her but I knew her better than that.
"I'm taking Xan with me. I know some people in the city that could take care of him until this all blows over."
"Alright, let's go then," Selina said, getting impatient.
It was morning when we stopped at the entrance of the tunnel.
"Here's the gun, protect yourself and that brat. And here's a phone. Please check in with Barbara and I every chance you can or we'll come find you. There's a tracker on here"
"Jeez thanks mom," I joked and she rolled her eyes.
"And be safe... please," she finished before hugging me.
"I promise," I said as Xander cooed at her. She tried to hide her smile before walking off.
Alright. Here goes nothing.
I got to the end, well I'm assuming it's the end because of the stairs.
I had Xander wrapped in a blanket, Jerome's blanket from his childhood, I found it among his things.
I pulled him close to me before heading up the stairs.

Why am I in Bruce's mansion?
I'm starting to get a bad feeling, and it proves me right when one of Jeremiah's followers jumps out and tries to attack me but freezes when he hears, "you lay a finger on her and I will eat you for dinner," in a low threatening tone.

I froze too.

His voice came from behind me. It can't be him. The love of my life is gone.

Tears are pouring out of my eyes and I actually relax when I feel his touch as he gently wraps his hand around my neck. I feel his breath on my ear and I shiver.

"My love," he sighs and nuzzles his nose in my hair.

"Jer-" I'm cut off by fussing noises coming from Xander and I'm broken out of my trance and jerk away from Jeremiah and turn to face him, putting a few feet between us.

He glares at my.. our child before instructing his followers to "leave us."

Then I heard him growl.

"You kept him from me," he growled.

"I had to! Look at you! Do you want that for our son?!" I yelled but more quietly because I have an infant in my arms.

"Our child?! Oh please! You probably opened your legs for someone who gave you the slightest bit of attention after you left and now wanna claim it's mine," I stared at him in shock and I could see the instant regret on his face. "Scarlett I-" he went to apologize but Xander started crying. "Oh my- would you shut him up!"

I glared at him. "You just made my point," I growled before walking away from him and sitting on the couch. I opened my shirt up and fed him from my breast and saw Jeremiah get uncomfortable from the corner of my eye.

"So you can fuck me senseless against the wall with me bare naked but can't look at the sight of breastfeeding. Men," I scoffed.

I heard a light chuckle but he tried to cover it up by clearing his throat and soon I felt him sitting beside me.

He was staring at Xander.

"That blanket..." he paused and I tensed. He stood up abruptly. "Jerome... is that Jerome's baby?!?"

I looked at him like he was crazy. Well, he was.

"He's dead. I loved you. Only you."

His face changed. He was hurt.

"Loved?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not doing this right now, Jeremiah," I sighed and stood up. He grabbed my arm.

"Say you love me." He gritted through his teeth.

"Let. Go." I ripped my arm from him and started towards the hallway.

"Search her," he demanded his guards and I quickly slipped the phone into my baby's blanket.

I let them pat me down, and when they got to my chest area Jeremiah yelled at them. One of the guys went for my child and I snapped at him.

"Don't you touch my child!" And lit his sleeve on fire.

He looked at Jeremiah for confirmation while trying to put the flame out and then left him be. I marched down the hallway and up to one of the bedrooms, knowing he wouldn't let me leave.
Word count: 795

Falling for a Maniac- Jerome Valeska Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن