Chapter 4

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Jesse's POV:

"The arcade?"

"Do you want to go in or not?"

Kathy glanced away from the arcade to look at me suspiciously.

I sighed to myself. I guess I deserve this.

"To prove to you that I'm not going to do anything to embarrass you, I will pay for all of the games you play."

Kathy considered my offer for a moment. Once she'd decided, she looked at me with a smile. "Okay."

Kathy and I walked inside of the arcade. I stood beside Kathy and watched her scan the room with a large smile on her face. I couldn't help but smile at her a little.

"Come on. I don't want to stand here all day."

Kathy tore her eyes away from the games to look at me and nodded her head.

We walked around the arcade for a little while. Kathy hadn't picked a game to play yet. She kept her head low and walked around with me.

I sighed. She's still suspicious of me.

I glanced around at the games all around me and chose a game for me and Kathy to play together. "Do you want to play that game with me?"

Kathy looked at the basketball game I was pointing at and nodded her head.

We walked over to the game. I paid the amount and the machine rolled down two basketballs.

I grabbed my ball and looked at Kathy. "Do you know how to play?"

Kathy grabbed her ball and nodded in response.

I sighed at her reply. I turned to face the hoop and threw my ball. The ball went in the hoop easily.


I looked at Kathy and saw her staring at the hoop with amazement. Kathy turned to look at me with a bright smile, but when she noticed I was looking at her, she quickly turned her head away.

An idea came to me.

I started throwing the basketballs into the hoop instantly, getting the balls in the hoop with each throw. I noticed Kathy was staring at me with astonishment, her hands clutching the ball against to her chest.

The game ended, and I looked at my score when I heard Kathy speak in amazement.

"Whoa! Twenty-one goals in a role!" Kathy looked at me and asked, "How did you do that?"

"I, err, play with Zack all the time."

"My turn to play." Kathy turned to face the hoop and threw the basketball and missed. She tried another three times and missed each time.

Kathy took a deep breath and huffed.

"You're doing it wrong." Without thinking, I went behind Kathy and positioned her arms. I felt her tense up and that's when I realised what I'd done. I coughed awkwardly and took a step backwards. "Try throwing the ball now."

Kathy nodded and threw the ball, and it went into the hoop.

Kathy gasped and yelled, "No way! Did I do that?! Yes, I did it! Whoa!"

I smiled at Kathy's excitement.

"Want to play again?"

Kathy looked at me and nodded excitedly.

After we finished playing the basketball game, Kathy and I walked around the arcade and played different games together. Kathy continued behaving sceptical of my intentions, but she was slowly warming up to me. I take it that she was starting to trust that I wouldn't embarrass her in front of everyone.

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