Chapter 24

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Kathy's POV:

We've been driving back home for days, and now we were only an hour away before we were back at home.

Zack was driving the car, and Cleo sat in the front seat with him. I've been sitting in the backseat with Jesse ever since we started driving back home. Zack and Cleo took turns at driving the car because Jesse has a broken arm, and Zack refused to let me drive his car.

I was looking out the window, watching the different cars pass us by while I thought to myself.

Once I wrote my confession on Jesse's arm cast, he didn't say anything. He just looked at the cast and then back at me. Before he could say anything, Cleo and Zack came back and joined us. We spent the rest of the evening listening to music and talking.

Since then, we haven't been able to be alone and discuss anything about us.

I looked away from the view and looked at Jesse. He read his book that lay on his lap.

I started to wonder if I had scared him. I do realise what I wrote must have shocked him because we're not even a real couple yet, and I already love him.

I will understand if he doesn't feel the same, but I hope we can still be together and maybe one day, he will feel the same towards me.

"Hey! Everyone! Let's all talk about what we enjoyed on this trip before we arrive home!" Cleo said.

Jesse glanced up and caught me looking at him.

I quickly looked away and said, "That sounds like fun."

"Okay," Zack agreed.

Jesse closed his book and was ready to join along.

"I'll start," Cleo said. "I enjoyed the food!"

"Wait, you chose food first instead of me?"

"I'm sorry, Zack. The food was good."

I laughed.

"It's your turn," Cleo said to Zack.

"I enjoyed spending time with you."

"I did, too."

"But not as much as the food you ate," Zack mumbled.

"That's true."

"You're supposed to reassure me!"

"Fine. I enjoyed eating food with you."

"I'll take that."

I laughed, and Cleo turned her head towards me and asked, "What did you enjoy on this trip?"

I enjoyed learning about Jesse's likes and dislikes. I enjoyed talking to Jesse. I enjoyed spending time with Jesse. I enjoyed falling in love with Jesse.

But I couldn't say that out loud.

"I didn't enjoy sleeping in this car."

"Me, too," Jesse said.

"Me three," Zack said.

"You're supposed to say what you enjoyed on this trip!"

"It's Jesse's turn now."

Cleo frowned slightly. "You're crafty." She turned her head to Jesse and asked the same question.

"I enjoyed watching Wreck-It Ralph with everyone."

Cleo smiled brightly. "That was a fun night!"

"Oh! The diner that we ate at was fun!" Zack exclaimed.

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