Chapter 10

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Kathy's POV:

"I spy with my little eye something that begins with 'D'."



"Okay, now it's my turn. I spy with my little eye something that begins with 'D'."



"Shut up! I can't do it anymore! You three are driving me crazy!" Zack yelled and sniffled a little.

It was late at night, and we were driving and playing I Spy because our phones were dead, and we were bored. The last time we charged our phones was in Miami, two days ago, because Zack refused to stop at a hotel for the night.

"We're bored. We have to continue playing!" Cleo said.

"No! No more games!"

"What are we supposed to do?!"

"Sleep! Go to sleep!"

I sighed and turned my head to Jesse to see if he wanted to play rock-paper-scissors with me, but he already had his eyes on me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked when I noticed his odd expression.

"You have something on your lip."

"Huh?" I wiped my mouth and asked him, "Is it gone?"

"Just a little..." Jesse moved forward and brushed his thumb on my lower lip. "Right here."

What the...?

"What are you guys doing?"

At the sound of Cleo's voice, Jesse backed away from me awkwardly while I stayed in the same position, unaffected by the situation.

"Jesse was helping me," I said while Jesse rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"With what?"

"I had something on my mouth."

Cleo stopped looking suspicious all of a sudden, and her expression changed to a look of disgust. "Wipe your mouth properly, Kathy!"

"I didn't know— Oh, my gosh! What's that?!" I exclaimed when I saw lots of bright, colourful lights in front of us.

Everyone looked in the direction of the flashing lights.

"It looks like a funfair," Jesse said.

"A funfair!" I looked at Zack and asked, "Can we go?"

"What? No!"

"Aww! Why not?" Cleo and I complained.

"Because we're behind!"

"Oh, come on! It will be so much fun!"


"Babe, they might have the horse merry-go-round ride."

"Let's go to the fair!"

Cleo and I stood by a tea cup ride while we waited for Zack and Jesse to come back with our tickets. I watched the different people around me laughing and enjoying themselves.

"What's going on with you and Jesse?" Cleo asked.

I looked at her. "Nothing. Why?"

"He's been acting weird ever since we left Miami. I think he's flirting with you. It's like he likes—" Cleo froze in the middle of her sentence.

I raised an eyebrow. "He seems to like what?"

"I might be wrong, but I think he likes—"

"We're back!" I heard Zack announce as he walked over to us with the tickets in his hands.

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