Chapter 17

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Kathy's POV:

I had my eyes squeezed shut, but the tears continued to stream down my cheeks. My whole face felt hot and wet. My chest rose and fell unevenly as I gasped between breaths. My body was shaking from the sobs.

I was crying because I realised my feelings for Jesse. I fell for my former bully—my friend. I have a crush on Jesse.

A bitter laugh escaped my mouth.

I'm so stupid.


I heard the familiar voice that I'm so used to hearing every day. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, and I laid my head on her shoulder.

"What happened? Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay."

I couldn't speak. The only thing that came out of my mouth were loud sobs.

"Please tell me what happened! Did someone hurt you?!"

I shook my head and cried out, "I like Jesse!"

New hot tears streamed down my face and loud sobs escaped my mouth. Cleo pulled me closer and held me tightly as she let me cry.

Cleo tried to calm me with words, but the soothing words from Cleo made no difference at all. I couldn't calm myself down.

"Cry, Kathy."

That's what I did for awhile. I cried in Cleo's arms until I calmed down.

After awhile, a wiped my tears away and took deep breaths and calmed down.

Cleo looked at me and asked, "Are you okay?"

I nodded.

"So, you like Jesse?"

I nodded.


I wiped my wet cheeks and said, "Jesse and I kissed last week, and since then, we've shared a few more kisses. Tonight, I asked him why he kissed me."

"What did he say?"

"He said it was because I'm a good kisser."

Cleo frowned. "He said that?"

I nodded.

"What an ass." She looked at me and said, "And you like him?"

I nodded.

Cleo sighed and lied back on the stall. "What a mess."

I looked at her. "A mess?"

"You're sitting by an abandoned stall, crying because you like your bully."

"Ex-bully," I mumbled.

"How do you know?"

I raised an eyebrow in confusion, and Cleo continued.

"What if he's still your bully? What if he's lying? What if he kissed you on purpose so you would develop feelings for him? What if he wants you to tell him how you feel about him, and then laughs and says that this was all a prank. That would be the prank of the century."

I stared at her for a moment and let the words register in my head.

Can Jesse be that cruel? Is that the reason why he didn't know what to say to me when I asked him why he kissed me because he didn't expect me to say something like that? He was only prepared if I told him I liked him.

"Do you really believe he would do something that awful?"

"Why else would he kiss you?"

"Because he likes me."

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