T W E L V E | You Guys Agreed With Each Other

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{Gif of Blake. Edited}

Song: Let It Go

Artist: James Bay

We were born to be real, not perfect.


There's always a good lesson in meeting new people, it's enlarging your circle of friends. And though there are times you don't match with their likes, there are just some who you just blend with. But, trust. Could I give them that? Trust is like paper, once it crumbles it can never be perfect. It's hard for me to trust people nowadays. Mainly because when I have given people my trust I've been taken advantage of and screwed over. If I trust you enough to tell you something about my personal life, you best believe you mean something to me. And plus, every time I trust someone, they show me why I shouldn't. Gosh I sound like I have Pistanthrophobia. I probably have.

Dylan, Zac, Blake and Chase had managed to squeeze into Mine, Beth's and Tori's life this past week. They've constantly tried to trigger a conversation, at first it never worked, but we slowly gave in. They would sit with us every lunch, which others found strange as they never sat anywhere other then their own table. Forget others, I found it extremely strange myself. Why have they suddenly decided to become our best of friends. But I would be lying if I said I didn't like it. 

What? Their entertainers.

Especially Zac and Blake, those two are the jokers always cracking jokes, which has me slowly smiling. Not that they know that. It's true what they say: 'There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger and live just a little bit better. ' I think I've met those people. I may not have laughed or smiled but they make me happy. Just so you don't get confused, all this is excluding Dylan. Mostly

Dylan, he is infuriating, maddening and down right exasperating. He shoots me his witty lines every chance he gets. Ignoring him wasn't working so we would always let the insult train leave the station. We would sit there yelling at each other while the other's stared. But deep down, it wouldn't be the same without him. Everybody else just clicks. Don't get me wrong, I do too, but not just as much. Without Dylan I would feel like an outsider. More then I already do.

"Right Sky?" I heard Zac asked. 

"Don't call me that" I snapped at him shutting everyone up. I didn't hear a word he said, but only my mom called me Sky. And now Gabe, occasionally Jake. The only people I ever let me call Sky, are the people I love. These guys are my friends. Somewhat. But I don't love them. Yet.

"Sorry" He mumbled leaning back in his chair, everyone still staring at me. The only gaze I could feel burning into my head was Dylan's.

"No, don't apologize. I didn't mean to snap, just don't call me Sky." I explained looking at the lunch table "Anyway, what were you saying" I tried to start the conversation again looking back at him. Guess it worked, Zac instantly sat himself up before talking, forgetting what what happened previously. Dylan still started at me for a few seconds before looking away.

"Okay, so we were voting on who the best fighter is" He explained.

"Who's it between?" I asked curiously. Now this was my thing. Literally.

"Well, the one and only Undefeated and Jay stone" He replied shocking me.

"You know Undefeated?" How on earth did these guys know me, the only place I fought was in the back street from where I lived with Jake. Yes, I've been going to the warehouse occasionally but not so much that word would get out.  

"Who doesn't?" Blake piped in.

"Yeah, she's like the best and hottest fighter around." Chase added, everyone nodding in agreement except the girls. 

"She may be a good fighter, but Jay's hotter" Beth defended her arms crossed. Jay Stone. First year fighting. He was good, but not good enough. I remember fighting him the day Jake told me I was going to leave. 

"Definitely" Tori agreed while the boys shook their head in disagreement. Soon a full blown argument took it's place.

"This is stupid. We would obviously find the girl hotter while they find the guy hotter." Dylan finally spoke up. Nodding my head in agreement I spoke up.

"Exactly. It's common sense" Everyone stopped and started at us wide eyed.

"What?" Dylan questioned staring at me then back at the group.

"You guys agreed with each other" Chase spoke up.

"Yeah, So- Ohhhh" Dylan started but stopped midway. They were right. We have always fought against each others opinions even if we agreed with them. Guess I didn't notice.

"It's not a big deal. You guys are being stupid" I defended us.

"Forget that, who do you think is better?" Tori asked again.

"I don't know" I didn't want to brag.

"PICK ONE" Each and everyone of them shouted. 

"Jeez, calm down. .okay well. .erm have they both ever fought?" I asked trying to sound clueless.


"Who won?" I asked.

"UD" Zac answered.

"Well, that answers the question" I replied. Best way to say it without sounding to braggy. Is that even a word. Who cares.


{A/N: Hey Guys, this was a filler chapter. How did you like the new found friendship? Along with Sky and Dylan. Ha. .Only I can call her Sky. Anyway.




Lots of love - Me}

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