T H I R T Y - F O U R - We Will Be Perfect

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{Dylan's Reaction. Not Edited}

Song: Nothing Like This

Artist(s): Craig David

When you finally let go of the past, something better comes along.


Dylan's POV

One Month Later-

Sometimes I wish she was here so I could tell her how much I need her and how hard every day is without her. Fuck, I want to see her, hug her, kiss her, make her smile and laugh. I want to just lie next to her and then fall asleep beside her. I miss our conversations.  I miss how we used to talk every minute of every day and how I was able to tell her everything on my mind.I don't care if the world is composed of a million people. I want her. End of story.

I can hold myself together during the day. I can occupy myself with mindless tasks or sleep to escape it all. But at night is when I start to unravel and my eyes leak and my insides spill out and pool into my lap. I'm struggling to keep my head above the water and it has been too shallow to drown in but, I think it's finally deep enough.

I placed my laptop on my lap and opened the one video I have been watching non-stop this past month. 

Skylar was standing in the gym she quite regularly visited. She was covered in sweat and she was breathing heavily. She stood in front of the camera for a few seconds before speaking.

"I have no idea if your going to actually get this or not. Knowing Jake, he probably would have read the note I wrote first before watching this. But it doesn't matter." she let out a deep breath shaking her head.

"To start of I first want to apologise. I'm sorry for the times I hurt you, for the times I lied to you, and for every other reason that I can't come up with right now. if I could turn back time. If I could make it all undone. I swear that I would. I would make it up to you. Sometimes you just have to someone's feelings to help save their heart. Truth hurts, but lies kill. I know my apology doesn't mean shit, but aside from that, all I can do is promise. Promise to try and be better in the future. If there is a future. I love you. All of you."

"Yes, you too Evan, if your watching" she said after a heartbeat. 

"You guys are probably also curious about Jordan. If I'm not their to explain, get Jake do it. He knows everything." she looked back up at the camera and smiled. My heart skipped a beat. That smile. That beautiful smile. Then the screen went blank. For the next hour I just sat there staring at the screen, hoping, praying that she's once again in my arms. I placed the laptop on my bed and got up and headed towards my phone which was ringing on my desk.

"She's awake" Gabe exclaimed. That got me. I stood there like an idiot, clutching the phone to my ear and crying to myself. She's awake. My girl's finally awake. I ran out the house and straight to my car and headed straight to Skylar. After a month long coma she's finally fucking awake.

I got to the hospital within 10 minutes and was standing in front of Skylar's room, next to Jake exactly 15 seconds later.

"Can we see her?" I asked bending over, hands on my knees, trying to get my breath back.

"As soon as the Doctor comes out" Gabe answered patting me on the back when I started coughing. Five minutes later the Doctor came out with a huge smile on her face.

"Well, She made it through. She's a fighter" the Doctor stated proudly, I grinned back at her an eagerly stared at the room door. 

"Yes, you can meet her. She's awake" As soon as the Doctor gave her permission I ran like my ass was on fire. There she was. Sitting in her bed playing with her gown. When she noticed some movement she looked up and straight at me and I swear, I felt like I died and went to heaven. She sat there smiling at me. I placed a hand on my chest, just to make sure my heart was still beating. 

"Come here, you dork" Skylar laughed. She didn't have to tell me twice. I ran straight to her and caught her lips with mine. 

"I missed you so much" I murmured against her lips.

"Okay, I tried to ignore you guys, but with the noises you guys are making..." Gabe coughed a few minutes later. I backed away from Skylar and gave her brother a chance to meet her. He leapt in straight away and took her in his arms.

"Don't you dare do that again." he cried hugging her tighter. A few seconds later her released her before running out of the room muttering something about calling Jake. I moved forwards taking Skylar's cheeks in my palms pulling her closer. I leant in and pecked her forehead before resting it against mine.

"Never again. Please." I whispered

"I promise" She whispered back pecking my lips. She pulled me next to her on the bed and rested her head on my chest while I played with her hair. Gosh, I missed her so much. Gabe walked back in a few minutes later and sat on the stool next to the bed.

"I've informed everyone about you. But, I told them not to come. You need rest, not visitors." he informed us. A few hours later Gabe left because he was called in from work. But, I knew he just wanted to give Skylar and I some privacy. 

"You should go to. It's a school night" Skylar said drawing patterns on my chest with her finger.

"I'm good, I'll rather spend the night with you" I kissed her hair

"Your going to be kicked out." she laughed "How am I going to catch up? I've missed a month of school and we're graduating in a few months".

"Hey, relax. I'm sure they'll do something" I replied rubbing her back. 

That night I was kicked out of her room by security but I did manage to give her a Goodnight kiss. Score. I have her back. Everything's going to be okay once again. Everything is going to be perfect.

We will be perfect. 


{A/N: *Laughs Evilly*....Got Yahhhh!!!!...Gosh, I'm so mean...I hope you still love me. Please don't hate me. I gave you Skylar back. They're together again. Now in the next chapter everything linking to Jordan will be explained. Also, it will be the last chapter of this book before the epilogue. *cue tears*. Please...




Lots of Love-


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