T W E N T Y - E I G H T - It Just Got Worse

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{Skylan's Chains. Not Edited}

Song: These Are The Lies

Artist (s): The Cab

Play the laughter. Freeze the memories. Stop the pain. Rewind the happiness.


Tonight is one of those nights.

You know what I'm talking about. You close the door behind you and numbly lock it shut. You stare at your hands for long minutes before finally breaking. You gasp for breath, silently sobbing about everything that went wrong all at once. Everything that is wrong with you and the world and everything you just can't deal with. Then you deal with it the only way you know how. You take a deep breathe, exhausted, shuddering breaths as you quietly cry yourself to sleep. The next morning you wake up huddled in a corner of your bed  with a sore neck and a pounding headache. So you get out of bed like any other morning and start your day. 

I walked to the shower absentmindedly just waiting for the day to be over. Last night was of the best nights of my life. I felt special. I felt loved. I felt needed. But soon I came to the conclusion that it was only temporary. I would have to leave these guys again and head back to Jordan. Even though it hurts, I keep doing it. I keep hurting myself.

I don't think you know how hard it is. 

As a matter of fact, I don't think anyone knows how hard it is. To love someone who is so close, yet so far. To miss them so bad that you want to stop what your doing and run to them. It's like everything reminds you of them. Everything. No matter how long it's been,  your still reminded of them by a song, or a smell, or an inside joke. It hurts and aches and it feels like cold seeps into your bones whenever your alone at night and can't sleep and you just want them there to hold you. Let's not forget about the not knowing. Not knowing whether they're with a different person. Not knowing whether the feelings are fading away.  

However for me, there's something even worse. Knowing I love him so much. Knowing I miss him so much. And things that I never thought I'd pay attention too. Things like a windy afternoon, or clouds in the shape of popcorns, or old movies movies, or a song, or the colour of the leaves on a tree because that's the colour of his eyes.

Knowing that I can't have him with me. And that's the hardest part.

I'm so lost right now. And sad. And terribly lonely. Even the birds have something to sing about. Even the stars have someone to shine down on. The skies have more emotion then me, from the rage of thunder to the sadness of gentle rain. 

Then there's me. So damn numb, that I can't even feel my own heartbeat. I turned the knob on the shower shutting it and wrapped a towel around myself before slipping on a pair of jeans with an off-shoulder top. I quickly combed my hair and pulled it into a ponytail before grabbing my leather jacket and converse. I was two steps away from the door when I remembered. I ran back to my drawer opening the first draw and removing the chain Dylan got me for my birthday.

It was a metal dog tag shaped chain with imprints of jigsaw's on it. There was a missing piece in the middle of it though. There was also an additional black jigsaw piece attached to the chain symbolising  your other half. The half that completes you. Dylan also got a similar chain but it had a peachvcoloured jigsaw instead. I took it from the draw and attached it t my self and continued my journey to school. 

I hopped out of my car and walked straight through the school doors. It was far too cold now to ride my bike to school. I squeezed past all the teenage bodies in-order to get to my locker, which consumed five minutes of my life. I finally got there just in time to get my books and walk into class just as the bell rang. I walked to the back of my science class to my usual seat, a few minutes later Jordan walked through he door in his usual glory and took a seat next to me.

"Have fun last night?" He questioned as soon as his butt rested on the chair

"Yeah" I answered bored. I stared at me for a moment before he looked back towards the front. But he wasn't done yet.

"There's someone who wants to meet you" he whispered, his eyes still focused on the bored.

"Who?" I asked, now interested. 

"Ohh, you know him. Very well indeed" he replied with a sinister smirk. I can't be can it? What makes him think I'm going to meet him.

"I'm not meeting him" I said firmly

"It's cute that you think you have a choice" He snickered.

"Also, don't you think you should thank him for saving you?" He continued staring at the bored. Saving me? When did he...that night. It was him. He got me home when Jordan and his gang beat me up and left me stranded in the alley.

"I'd be more grateful if he didn't" Trying to sound as if whatever he's telling me isn't affecting me, but deep down it was tearing open old scars. That got a reaction out of him. He turned his body around to face me, he wrapped his fingers around my wrist squeezing until I could feel a bruise forming.

"I don't care whether you like it or not. You don't have a choice in the matter. Your meeting him and that's final." He hissed as his grip tightening. Before I could reply the teacher spoke up and all eyes were on us.

"Is there a problem at the back?" She asked, her hands resting on her hips.

"Nope. No problem at all. Right Skylar?" Jordan turned to me and I could merely nod. Everyone's eyes lingered for a few seconds before they turned towards the teacher again. 

I though I had it bad before. But guess what?

It just got worse.


{A/N: There it is Angels. Chapter 28 is up. My exams have finished and I have two weeks off for Easter. You already know hat that means. But......I do have to go into school during the holidays also...so......yeah. Great holiday right? Anyway I know most of you are probably getting bored of this story. I know I'm dragging it on, but I think it's vital for the book. Also, I have been using a lot of 'The Cab' songs recently but I guess they just put the extra feelings into the chapter. This book will also be coming to an end after a few chapters (not sure exactly how much) but don't worry, I have a new book coming out. So stay tuned. Please...




Lots of Love-


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