Chapter 12

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A/N: First quick pic of Viktoriya. The hair needs work.


"So, you two want to tell me what's going on?" Kennedy asked as we got back in the car.

"Alec called." Everett replied, starting the engine. "From Woodville General."

"Is he hurt?" I knew my younger sibling's worried tone was out of concern for our older brother and not for our nephew.

"We don't know yet," I answered.

"Guess we'll find out." Kenned stretched himself on the back seat.

"Rhys and I will drop you off at home before we head there."

"What?" Kennedy straightened up. "No way. I'm coming with you two. You might need help."

"You are thirteen, Kennedy," I reminded him, touched by his gesture. Of course he'd want to help; he loved us. But he was too young and Alec was too unpredictable.

"I can take care of myself." The boy protested. "Besides, I'll only be there for moral support."

I turned around with a raised eyebrow.

"You think you'll be able to hold any snarky remarks around Alec?"

"I'll try. Really." His eyes rounded in what was probably supposed to imitate an adorable puppy-dog expression, but he still looked like a demonic little cub. "Besides, if someone needs to chase after him..."

"Alec is faster than you." I cut him off and swirled forward again.

"I still have a better chance catching him than you or Everett."

"You don't have a chance catching up to Alec, especially not in your human form. And you are not shifting in the hospital."

"Of course I'm not shifting!" He crossed his arms over his chest. "How stupid do you think I am?"

"You are not stupid, but you are reckless."

He uncrossed his arms and grabbed the back of my seat.

"I would never put our pack in danger like that."

I sighed and reached back, putting my hand over his.

"I know. I know you wouldn't do something like that on purpose. I trust you about this." I squeezed his hand. "But you are not coming with us. What if Alec is in a bad mood?"

"When is he ever in a good mood?" My baby brother snorted. "Besides, out of the three of us, I'm the only one he almost likes."

Kennedy had a point.

His bluntness, confidence, speed and perhaps his intolerance to Alec's nonsense appeared to amuse the older boy. My youngest sibling had tried to hit our nephew on several occasions and even succeeded once: he'd kicked a soccer ball Alec's way and smacked the blond over the side of the head. At that time Aleksei actually seemed impressed.

"I don't know..." I hesitated aloud and saw Kennedy's bright eyes sparkle in the rearview mirror. I let go of his hand and crossed my arm over my chest. "I said 'I don't know', not that you are coming with."

"Sure." My sibling's grin enlarged.

"So what do I do?" Everett asked nodding towards the street. We'd almost reached the crossroad where he had to turn either left or right, depending on whether we were going straight to the hospital or passing through our neighborhood first.

"Woodville General," Kennedy replied.

"He was asking me," I pointed out.

"But you want me to come with," he stated.

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