Chapter 13

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A/N: I have not one, but TWO treats for you today and I'm not even counting posting this chapter as one of them ;)

Remember when I told you I'll be featured in the Wattpad Block Party and that I've written an exclusive new sneak peek from Keri's book for it? Well it is up! And I mean all of it, not just the first couple of paragraphs that I shared in my facebook group.

Also, it's not only the sneak peek; at the end I mention what will be in Alec and Kennedy's books when I post them.

Treat #2 is a new GIVEAWAY. Kelly Anne Blount (who organizes the party) has grouped us together so this is actually a joint giveaway from me and five other writers featured in the WBP. I'm giving a chapter dedication and also naming a character after a winner.

The links to the sneak peek and giveaway will be in the first comment; the one to the sneak peek is also given as an external link.


My blood froze in my veins.

A Nighter?


"What Nighter?" Everett stepped towards his son. "Alec, are you injured?"
"I just said I was fine." The boy swatted his father's hand away when the man reached for him.

"But you were in the fight as well?"

"Yeah." The blond put some more ice cream in his mouth. "Vika and I hunted him down."

"You what?" I shouted. "Do you know how irresponsible that is? You could've been killed! It's a whole miracle you weren't killed."

"Worried about me, Uncle Rhys?" My nephew's grin only fueled my anger.

"What I am is furious," I snarled through clenched teeth.

"And what I am is impressed," Kennedy murmured and I looked down at him, my mouth hanging in surprise for a moment before I shouted his name.

"What?" He went to close the door, something we should've done already, especially with what we were talking about." Nighters are tough; what they did is impressive. Foolish, but impressive."

"And we managed to kill it." Vika smiled.

"And to get injured in the process," I added, nodding to her stomach; she just shrugged. "Why didn't you notify the Sentinels when you found out there was a Nighter around?"

It would've been the right thing to do. After all, it was the Sentinels' job to protect us from those ghoulish creatures. The Nighter vampires were faster, stronger and much more fierce than shifters and Dayer vampires; one needed special training to deal with them and their almost insatiable bloodthirst. And to think that these two - both only half-Dayers... for crying out loud, Vika was half-human! - would even think to fight off a Nighter on their own... Kennedy was right: Alec was mad.

My nephew chucked and dipped his spoon in the ice cream container once more, scraping at its bottom.

"Where would be the fun in that?"

"Fun..." I quietly uttered. "Fun?" I then shouted and stepped towards the boy, but Everett blocked my way.

"What do you mean 'fun'?" I snarled. "If you don't value your own lives, then think of other people. Think of those who the Nighter might've drained of blood, think of..."


If a Nighter were to harm Riley, I'd die. But not before I hunt down that creature and take it with me.

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