Chapter 25

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Alec was a troublemaker. Even with that on mind, I'd decided that Anthony was wrong about my nephew being involved in the murders. But as Adrian had pointed out: that didn't mean Alec couldn't have contacted Ace Darrel.

At this point, I didn't know what to think.

"I see no reason why Alec would do that," I finally replied.

"Since when does that boy need a reason to do anything?" Jasper questioned and I sulked as I couldn't disagree with him on this one. "He does whatever pleases him at the moment and whatever pleases him is usually causing trouble for others. Besides, he knows about that human mate of yours and he probably knows where the boy works."

"He enjoys creating disturbances, yes, but I doubt he'd want to be the cause of the damage Ace could inflict," Keri surprised me and the other shifters in the room by standing up for my nephew.

"Who else would know about the existence of the Hunters and where your Beta's human works?" Her cousin wasn't backing down. "You are not accusing one of us, are you?" He hissed.

"Of course she isn't!" Kelly rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, Kelly."

"Don't tell me to shut up."

"I'm the eldest sibling and you shall listen to me!"

"Enough!" Keri's raised voice interrupted Kelly and Jasper's bickering. "We are here to try and find a solution to our problem, not to listen to a brother and sister fight."

"You are biased," Jasper accused. "You are protecting the mongrel because I was the one to accuse him and because he is your best friend's nephew."

Anthony and I both opened our mouths to come to Keri's defense, but it proved unnecessary.

"I assure you, cousin," the Alpha's voice was a low growl, "I don't care who is related to whom. If someone is putting my pack in danger, I'll deal with them, no matter which family they belong to. Even if they are a part of my family."

"Are you accusing me of something?"

Callum's wrinkles increased as he narrowed his eyes at Jasper.

"This is the second time you bring up the possibility of someone accusing you; guilty conscious maybe?"

"I... Why..." Jasper moved his gaze from Callum's distrustful face to Keri's surprised one and then back to the Detective. "Why would I have a guilty conscious? As I said, Keri is biased to me and my suggestions. That's all."

"Yet she included you in her Council." Callum shook his head. "If you were one of my subordinates, I'd fire you."

"Let's get back to the matter at hand," Adrian prompted. "We'll take Anthony and Jasper's concerns under consideration and look into a possible connection between Alec and Ace. I suggest you check on members of your pack though..."

"Outrageous!" Jasper got to his feet. "There's no way any of us would invite such a dangerous man here."

"I trust my pack," Keri added. "We don't always share the same opinion on everything, but we stand by one another."

"It's good to see you two finally agree on something, but you can't let sentiment get in the way. I strongly insist that you look into the Bullets." Adrian's face was blank. "We will too."

My phone vibrated and I took it out of my pocket. I couldn't help the unease that was creeping inside me as I typed what I hoped Riley would see as a reassuring text.

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