Chapter 16 - BONUS - Kennedy's POV

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A/N: Since you are showing so much love for Kennedy, here's the bonus chapter from his POV that I've been promising you. It takes place on the same day Riley asked Rhys out.

The next chapter will be from Rhys' POV, starting where Ch. 15 left off.


Kennedy's POV

I kicked the ball between the legs of one of the upperclassmen, ran past him, and kept toeing it, making sure it was within my reach and no one else's. My peripheral vision caught sight of Billy again and I smirked; he was good, but he was only human. Nearing the goal line, I saw a gap in their defense and took my chance: I kicked the ball with force but one of the boys from the opposing team jumped in front of it. The round object - a blur of black and white - ricocheted against his body and rolled off the field.

I chased after it and so did Billy. Before we caught up with the ball, a girl who stood alone outside of a small, family-run shop turned around and saw us; realizing what we were after, she pulled her leg back, then swung it forward. Both Billy and I stopped and watched with gaping mouths as the ball flew above our heads and rolled onto the field.

"Thanks," Billy shouted at the girl and gave her one of his nice guy smiles and a wave, before turning around and running back towards the field.

"I'll be back in a bit," I called after him, then jogged the short distance towards the cute girl.

She looked even better up close. Tall and slender, she was dressed casually in pale blue ripped jeans and a white t-shirt with some Japanese or Chinese hieroglyphs. She was biting her lip as she cautiously examined me.

"Nice kick," I praised her, grinning as I continued to look her up and down.

"Thanks," she muttered and raised a hand to put a strand of her hair behind her ear. The rest of it was held up in a high ponytail by a large elastic, the same pink shade as the foreign writing on her t-shirt. "I play soccer with my friends at school."

"I like a sporty girl," I winked at her and her dark grey eyes narrowed.

"Aren't you too young to be this bold and flirty?"

"We are probably the same age."

"I think I'm older than you," she protested.

"I'm thirteen; you?"

"Fourteen and a half." She seemed a little bit smug for guessing she was older as she looked down - yes, down; she was taller by about two inches - at me.

"That doesn't change the fact that I think you are cute." I gave her one of my charmingly mischievous smiles, something that always made the girls blush and giggle.

She didn't seem impressed.

Was it a Dayer thing?

Come to think of it...

"So, what is a Dayer doing in Woodville?" I asked and her eyes rounded in fear. "Don't worry; I'm a shifter. There's no harm in me knowing what you are."

"I had a feeling you might be." She looked me over again. "I wasn't sure though. And we are visiting. My parents and I, I mean." She nodded towards the family-run shop and I saw a couple - both people pale and very tall - looking at some of the goods inside; the man was by the sodas and the woman was currently standing in front of the home-baked pastries stall.

"The place is small and there were other costumers when we got here so I decided to wait outside," she added and I turned back to her freckled face.

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