Chapter 41

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I could hear muttered voices as we stepped inside. Kennedy darted out of my parents' living room, followed closely by my mom. Dad, Everett and Lisa - even Carter - poured through the door and into the hallway. This sea of relieved faces had both Riley and me pause.

"Thank God," my mom muttered, her shoulders slacking as she exhaled. Lisa squeezed her hand.

"Told ya they'll be alright." Kennedy grinned. "Well, eventually. You took it better than I thought, Riley," he added with a great deal of pride.

My mate - who had shied behind me from all the attention - gave him a nod.

"Riley will stay over tonight," I told my family. "He's sleeping in my room, so I'll be taking yours, Everett."

I didn't wait for my brother's okay - I knew he wouldn't be against me using his bed - and pulled Riley towards the staircase before he got overwhelmed with all the wolves in the house.

I opened the door to my bedroom and let him walk in first, before I went to rummage through my wardrobe until I found a short-sleeved t-shirt and a pair of slacks.

"Here." I handed him the clothes. "To sleep in. I can bring you a towel if you want to take a shower."

"I just want to fall on the bed and sleep," he admitted, taking what I'd offered from my hands.

"I understand." I leaned forward and kissed him on the top of his head. "I'll let you rest. Sweet dreams, Riley."

I walked out of my bedroom and into Everett's. My back hit the door as soon as I'd closed it and I let out a long sigh.

Riley is still with me.

That was all I could think of as my body slumped down, weighed by all of the soul-wrenching and heart-warming experiences of the night.

Riley is still with me.

My dry lower lip split as I grinned the largest, most gigantic grin of all.

He is with me, my mate is with me...

I got up from the floor and took my phone out, sending 'Told Riley. He's sleeping over tonight. Talk to you tomorrow' to Keri, Kelly and Anthony. Three congratulations messages - all short; probably not to bother me and my mate - lit up my screen in reply.

I knew the word of Riley accepting me would spread quickly even though it was the middle of the night. I was sure that by tomorrow morning there wouldn't be a Bullet who wouldn't greet me with a triumphant smile, happy at the outcome.

It was only after I put the phone on the nightstand that I realized I'd forgotten to take clothes to sleep in. I rummaged through my brother's drawlers - blushing slightly when I came upon my sister-in-law's bra - until I found a pair of slacks very similar to the ones I'd given Riley that would fit me.

I quickly put them on and threw myself on the bed, lying on my stomach with my arms wrapped around my pillow, imagining that it was my mate.

Soon, I told myself. Very soon I'd be snuggling Riley. The worst is over... He knows who I am. He needs some time to adjust and then we can move in our house and I can hug him forever, and ever, and ever.

I shook my head at my sappy thoughts.

But it was so tempting, the idea of wrapping my arms around my mate and spending the whole day in bed.

A single, strong knock sounded from my left, interrupting my waking dreams. I got up, careening towards the door in my haste to open it.

Riley stood on the other side, his hands behind his back and his lower lip between his teeth.

We are the Answer {boyxboy} ✔ (Dogs, Bats & Monkeys series, Book I | Rhys)Where stories live. Discover now