Chapter 22

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A/N: Interview with Rhys and Riley, anyone? Yes? The link will be in the first comment and given as an external link.

Thanks you for coming up with the questions!


A dose of Riley.

That was what I needed right now.

That was what I always needed, but with the weekend I'd had, I craved it more than I usually did.

The familiar chime of the bell above the door greeted me and there he was – my mate. His hands flew to his hair, ruffling it and he pulled down on his shirt.

"Hey." I smiled and bent over the bar. He leaned towards me and I pecked him on the lips. Oh, how I wished to do more than just that! Apparently Riley felt the same as he pouted.

"We haven't seen each other since Friday and this is how you greet me?"

"You are working, Riley; I don't want to get you in trouble."

He appeared pleased with my response.

"Did you solve that problem you mentioned?" He asked and began making me my coffee.

I rubbed my forehead, slumping in my seat.

I'd called Riley on Saturday and had hinted that something was going on with us Bullets. I hadn't given him any details – I'd just wanted to hear his voice and make sure he was okay – but I'd promised I'd tell him more once we met in person.

I looked around us. No one was in earshot so I leaned towards my mate again, placing my elbows on the immaculately clean surface of the bar.

"You know we... consult the police about the murders, right?" I asked quietly and received a nod in reply.

"Some of the younger members in our society had gotten the ridiculous idea that we should form our own investigation, separate from that of the police."

"They w..." His voice rose and I pushed my finger to my lips in a hushing gesture. A few of the patrons and one of the waitresses were now staring at us. Riley bent over the counter and spoke again, in a lower tone.

"They want what? Don't they realize how dangerous this could be?"

"That's what we tried to convince them in. By 'we' I mean the Council," I explained and took a sip of my drink. "Not only would they be facing a serial killer but also the police; I doubt they'd be happy with us interfering." I snorted and took another gulp. "Callum is far from ecstatic about it, but he realizes he needs us."

Riley bit his lip.

"And why does he need you?" He asked hesitantly.

"We'd have..." I paused, not sure how to explain the situation. Not only was I about to share something private about the Bullets, but I had to make sure it sounded believable to a human and that without lying to my mate.

"A long time ago – far too long for it to be the same person – there was a series of similar killings and members of our society and other societies like ours were involved," I began.

So far, so good, I though. As long as Riley doesn't ask me to elaborate on 'society'.

"You are telling me that one of the Bullets was... a killer?" His eyes rounded and he gulped.

That was not good.

How was I supposed to gain and keep my mate's trust if he thought I was somehow affiliated with a group of murderers?

We are the Answer {boyxboy} ✔ (Dogs, Bats & Monkeys series, Book I | Rhys)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin