Chapter 14 - Meet the Parents

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Lily had theorized that kissing Duncan would magnify what she felt when they touched, but she hadn't expected how intense it would truly be. So much electricity coursed through her that she felt like she had just stuck a fork into an electrical outlet. Strangely enough, she enjoyed it. It was a very pleasant electrocution.

One of her hands tangled into his dark blond hair, the other moved to the back of his neck to get a better grip on him. She had never experienced anything like the kiss; it was almost as if their souls had become intertwined. The pull that she always felt towards him was gone. She wondered if this was what it had been leading them to all along.

At the moment, it didn't matter to her one way or the other. All she cared about was being there with him, feeling his soft lips against her own. Lily climbed onto Duncan's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms went around her waist.

After what an eternity—and also no time at all—she finally had to push him away to catch her breath.

"That was one hell of a first kiss." He was practically panting as he spoke. "Definitely worth the wait."

"Tell me about it." Lily moved her hands up and down his shoulders and arms, to make sure that she wasn't having a dream.

"I've never had a kiss like that before." Duncan said. "It was like I could feel you."

Lily slid her hands up to his neck, caressing the line of his jaw with her thumbs. She couldn't stop her hands from exploring him. For so long she'd imagined doing just that. Now, here he was, all hers. "You were certainly feeling something." she joked.

A sort of sigh of laughter escaped him. "Not like that." His mouth curled into a sexy, flirtatious smile. "I don't know how to explain it. It was like... like I could feel what you were feeling."

She barked out a surprised laugh at his words.

"I'm glad that I amuse you." Duncan said.

A shiver raced down her spine as he tucked her hair behind her ear. His hand lingered by her face, barely brushing her skin, close enough that she could feel faint traces of sparks from his touch, but not close enough for her to feel the full force of their connection. She wished that he would rest it against her cheek.

As if having heard her desire, Duncan put his hand on her neck, stroking her earlobe, which she didn't believe should have been as satisfying as it was. When she made a low sound of contentment in the back of her throat, he smiled.

Lily gathered her thoughts enough to protest his statement. "It's just, you saying that to me... it's almost absurdly funny." She pressed her hands against his chest, shaking her head ever so slightly. "In a terrible sort of way."

"You mean because you're psychic?"

Her heart leapt into her throat. "What did you just say?"

"It's okay. I'm not going to tell anyone, if that's what you're worried about." He tried to hold her in place, but she managed to get away, moving to stand several feet away from him, so that she couldn't be swayed by his touch.

"How do you know about that?" Lily was so freaked out that she wondered for a brief moment if Dianna had told him. She quickly dismissed the idea. Dianna would never betray her like that.

"I've had my suspicions for a while." Duncan leaned forward, casually, to rest his elbows on his knees, eyeing her strangely, like he was trying to solve a puzzle. "You're pretty good at hiding it, but I've had some experience with similar stuff before."

"You know other psychic cheerleaders?" The disbelief was heavy in her voice. Denying the truth was almost an automatic self-defense mechanism for her.

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