Chapter 18 - Wicked Witch

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Lily woke up exhausted thanks to Dianna, who had gone on a date Sunday evening with the guy she met at Sound Check the day before the lake party. She called Lily and Hilary at eleven o'clock to tell them all about it. They didn't get off the phone until shortly after one. That's why Lily slept the entire way to school, waking only when Dianna laid down on the horn because of some slow moving freshmen.

Lily yawned wide when she got out of the car. Jack waved to her when they spotted each other across the parking lot. She gave him a small wave. She was starting to believe he actually meant that apology.

Dianna was telling Hilary all about her date with Kevin when Lily caught up to them. Having already heard all of this, Lily took the time to watch out for Duncan. She could feel him getting closer.

Her attention was suddenly grabbed by a bright yellow Porsche that was zooming down the street. Whoever it was drove faster than Dianna. The car barely slowed as it cut a sharp turn into the school's parking lot. Everyone moved out the way as fast as they could to avoid the maniac.

Time seemed to come to a standstill when Lily saw Duncan walking across the lot. He was too busy talking to Bobby to notice the sports car speeding toward him. Lily's heart sank in her chest as her eyes darted between the car and the boy she loved. He would surely be killed if the car hit him at that speed.

Without thought of the possible consequences, Lily thrust her hands forward, sending a pulse of telekinetic energy that knocked the two boys backwards onto the grassy embankment, out of the path of the car.

Lily took in a deep breath, trying to calm her rapid heartbeat. Duncan and Bobby looked very confused as they tried to figure out what happened. Duncan's head swiveled as he searched the parking lot. His eyes finally stopped when they found Lily. He looked at her questioningly. She smiled, glad that he was alright.

The yellow car pulled into a spot near the front of the building. Lily handed her bag to Dianna and stalked over to see what lunatic was driving the audacious metal monster that almost ran over her boyfriend. And Bobby.

The door popped open, and out stepped Sebastian Caine, his eyes covered by aviator sunglasses. He looked over his shoulder at Duncan dusting himself off. He then turned his shaded eyes back to Lily and smirked. He knew exactly what he'd done.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Lily screamed. She slammed her hands against his chest, hard, pushing him back as he tried to pass her.

"It's not my fault that your boyfriend wasn't paying attention." Sebastian pushed his sunglasses into his hair, unfazed by her assault. "You should tell him to look both ways before he crosses the street." He gave one his half-smiles and a wink, walking around her.

Lily watched him strut toward the door. She narrowed her eyes at him. A small rush of power coursed through her body.

Sebastian tripped over nothing and fell flat on his face. It hadn't been entirely intentional on her part, but it was still satisfying.

Duncan showed up next to her as Sebastian got to his feet. Lily twitched her fingers and watched as Sebastian's feet went out from under him again.

Laughter at his misfortune and perceived clumsiness rang out around him.

He was seething by the time that he was firmly on his feet again. He cursed under his breath and brushed himself off. His shirt was dirty and there was a noticeable rip in the knee of his pants. He picked up his now-broken sunglasses and tossed them into a nearby trashcan. His gray eyes were furious when they locked on Lily. She couldn't stop the huge smile that grew on her lips. Not that she would have tried to conceal it. Not for his benefit. He deserved that—and worse—after almost running down Duncan and Bobby. He scowled as he walked inside.

Duncan leaned over her shoulder, bringing his lips to her ear; his warm breath stirred the stray hair that had come lips from her ponytail. "Aren't you just a wicked little witch?" he whispered, giving her cheek a kiss.

She looked up at him with a devious smile and shrugged. "Sometimes doing good means being bad."

"God, I love you!" The kiss he offered this time was much more than a peck.

Sebastian sulked during the three classes she shared with him. He didn't even try to flirt with her, and he sat as far from her as he could.

It gave Lily a devious sort of glee. She was smiling right up until the moment she walked into the courtyard at lunch and saw Sebastian sitting with an odd grouping of people. Veronica was not totally expected; they were so similar, they were bound to be drawn to each other. And, wherever there was Veronica, there would be Sara. Their male equivalents, Drew and Carson were not surprising, either. The one that she couldn't believe was Jack. Especially since Jack hated Veronica for cheating on him.

Lily took up residence at their usual table in the far corner, where she watched the strange little clique interacting, as if they actually enjoyed each other's company. They kept laughing at things that Sebastian said. Jack was not as cheery as the others, but he did crack the occasional smile.

Sebastian did a slight double take when he saw her watching them. He flashed his dazzling teeth and winked at her. She sneered and quickly turned her attention away.

"I can't believe I liked him." Dianna said, eyeing Sebastian, as she laid her tray down. "It makes me sick that I went out with someone disturbed enough to date that witch."

Lily coughed up the soda she'd just drank in surprise. She covered her mouth and glared at Dianna. "Sorry," Dianna mouthed.

"Hey, Duncan, didn't you go out with Veronica?" Eric asked.

"He did." Bobby said. "He changed his shirt like six times."

Eric laughed. "I guess Lily doesn't mind disturbed guys."

Lily smiled. "I've decided to forgive Duncan his terribly stupid decision making skills." She tapped Duncan on the nose. "He didn't know any better."

"I only went out with her to make Lily jealous." Duncan explained.

"Sure." Eric nodded, giving him an exaggerated wink.

"It's true." Duncan protested.

When they all laughed at him, Lily raked a hand through his thick, silky smooth blond hair. "Aw, my poor baby. I believe you." She kissed his cheek.

Out of the corner of her eye, Lily noticed Sebastian staring at her. He didn't look away when she saw him. She would say this for him, he wasn't shy.

As Sebastian moved to put his elbows on the table, Lily gave a small tick of her head and Veronica's tray full of food slid a bit to the left. His elbows came down into a plate of messy spaghetti. He looked down in surprise and jerked his arms up. He glared at Veronica, his featured contorted into a mask of anger. He said something that left the girl horrified. Lily could see her mouthing, "Sorry," over and over. She tried to wipe at his shirt with a napkin, but just managed to make it worse. Lily pushed the air with her hand and a soda can moved into Veronica's space, which she promptly knocked into Sebastian's lap.

Lily burst into laughter. Everyone at her table looked at her like she was crazy. When she pointed out the scene they soon joined in. It was long before half the cafeteria was watching and murmuring about Sebastian's accident. He finally got up and left. Veronica was fast on his heels. Sara, not one to be left behind, followed after her, calling her name.

"Did you?" Dianna whispered to Lily, motioning across the room.

Lily just smiled mischievously, which made Dianna laugh even harder. "Lunch is so my new favorite subject."

Dianna raised her bottled water toward Lily, and Lily promptly tapped her own bottle against it. "I concur."

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