Chapter 15 - Magical Missteps

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"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Jacquelyn asked when she stopped the car in front of the school. She insisted on driving Lily. Lily knew it her way of compensating for the guilt over not picking her up the day of her attack. Lily hoped that she would get over it soon. She didn't want to have her mother be her personal chauffer for the rest of her life.

"I'm fine." Lily said for the umpteenth time today. Both of her parents were treating her as if she were so fragile that she might break into a million pieces at any minute. "There's Dianna. I gotta go. Bye." She quickly got out of the car before her mother could say anything else.

Dianna ran up to Lily and gave her a hug. "Are you okay? I heard about what happened."

Lily groaned. "Not you, too."

"Why didn't you tell me? I had to hear it from Sara George, of all people. How did she know before I did?" Dianna asked. The hurt was clear in her voice.

"Are you more upset that I didn't tell you or that you didn't know about it first?" Lily wondered.

Dianna gasped. "How could you even think that? I was just in shock. That's all. I thought you were out sick—which should've been a clue since you've hardly ever missed a day of school in your life. I almost threw up when I heard what really happened."

"Does everyone know?" Lily looked around at the other students milling about.

Dianna nodded. "There was an assembly yesterday in the auditorium. The sheriff told everyone. He didn't give your name but Sara was nice enough to spread that around."

"And I thought Veronica was bad." Lily said.

Oh my god, Veronica," Dianna said, suddenly. "She was on the warpath yesterday. Whatever you did to her didn't last. Now, she's out for blood. She got all up in my face and tried to get me to fess up about what you did to her. That girl is seriously cuckoo bananas. I'd avoid her if I were you."

"No problem." Lily said. "What else did I miss?"

"Nothing really. Your boy asked me about you."

"My boy?" Lily asked, a bit confused. "Do you mean Duncan?"

Dianna nodded. "Obvi. He was super bummed you weren't here. I told him how to get to your house. So expect a visit. I hope that's okay."

Lily smiled. "I'm glad you did."

"Did he come over already?"

Lily nodded. "We spent the whole day together."

"Way to step up, Lover Boy." Dianna grabbed Lily's arm. "Tell me everything."

Lily was just about to tell her all about it when she felt the sudden rush of feelings that meant Duncan was nearby. She closed her eyes, waiting as the feeling intensified until she felt his hand take hold of hers. A smile grew on her lips with the first shock of electricity.

Opening her eyes, she saw him standing in front of her watching her intently with those gorgeous green eyes. Her smile widened as he leaned in and kissed her. The kiss was nowhere near long enough. She wanted it to go on and on, but the bell rang, and she knew that wasn't possible.

"See you later." Duncan said, breathlessly.

"Yeah," Lily replied.

When she turned to go to her first class she saw Dianna with a huge grin on her face. "When did that happen?"

"Yesterday. We had the most amazing kiss. It was... I don't even know how to describe it. It was incredible." Lily said. She pulled Dianna to a stop. "We also talked a lot. He knows."

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