part 3

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easily agitated or alarmed; tending to be anxious; highly strung.


combat boots were a pain to do up at four in the morning, and as he scrambled along with every other lad to not be the last out of the tent, he saw a flash of light brown hair and shockingly small hands for the army, causing him to halt completely and stare.

"if you're not planning on moving, i'll shoot you in the arse before our war even starts." grumbled levitt, a tent mate, pushing harry into the side of the tent.

and so harry stared from outside, ensuring his spot to be the last out, at the soft haired boy. he had yet to raise his head, so there was nothing certain it wasn't him, but harry swore it was.

but it wasn't, and harry couldn't figure out if he was disappointed or if he was happy.

and harry got yelled at for being tardy, though he wasn't last, and got into a spot in the middle rank.

as the officer stood in front of them all, telling them what good they were doing protecting the world from being taken down by useless, infuriating huns*, harry finally got nervous.

as tears ran down his left cheek, he felt the man next to him run his fingers down his hand. nothing the officers would notice unless they were looking for it, though anyone could have reported it, making harry even more nervous. the contact lasted maybe a slouched five seconds, but the flow of electricity he felt was there and familiar.

yet as a fall out was commanded, and harry had the chance to sniff his tears away, the fingers returned to his hand, and a chill ran down his neck, only to travel down to his tail bone and rocket out his left leg.

"i never thought i would see you again."

flashes of peanut butter sandwiches and weak sunday tv reception hit him (he could practically taste the dust that covered the adjust knob). old wagons soaring down old theodore hill, losing a tooth and eating ice for a week. chipped paint on his lunch pail.

harry knew exactly who it was.


1* hun
plural noun: huns

informal, derogatory;
a german (especially in military contexts during world war I and world war II) a reckless, uncivilized.

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