part 4

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plural noun: letters

a written, typed, or printed communication, especially one sent in an envelope by mail or messenger.


niall outranked harry, and this made harry feel oddly more at home, and he even smelled like home when he was crushed between harry's clavical and his left ear, releasing a loose laugh, heavy with affection.

tears fell harder as harry gripped, niall's arms wrapped tightly around his waist, and harry wanted nothing more than to squeeze the life out of the irish boy, extracting the smell of home, rain and grease by shoving his face into niall's neck.

"slow down kid, this is a lot of lovin'."

harry pulled back, wiping his cheeks and staring at the boy. "i'm sorry i just-" he paused to laugh lightly, "i just missed everyone so much and it's just so much better it's you."

niall let out his laugh of a lifetime, "though i'm still expecting letters from you."

harry pulled niall close again, and exhaled before releasing him, smiling as he nodded, and niall grinned back, slowly backing towards their tents together, which were only four apart from each other, which was beyond surprising.

harry finally felt like he matched, like all the other boys wouldn't judge him, and that maybe niall and himself would be okay.

maybe the war wouldn't change them.

and maybe the war would actually make them stronger.

he heard a saying once that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and he only hoped it was the real deal.

maybe they could get home; limbs, head and all.

and that was the only time harry was concerned for someone other than himself and his mother.

and of course, louis, who didn't count because harry worried about louis all the time.

never a day came that he wasn't concerned.


for the benefit of the story, niall relocated over border between the dominion and northern ireland, agreeing only to stay part of the british land with his family as long as niall and his family be seen as irish and remaining. he was the friend who dared harry to sign up for being in the army before doing it himself.

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