part 10

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a feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release from anxiety or distress.


the men came off the train, mixed in was veterans and fresh bodies, faces shiny with hope and pride.

the older men took their time, looking out at the ranks with their cigars and hard stares, many of them shaking their heads while looking at the young men before them, ready to lose their lives.

no one chatted, but few whispered and sneered at others.

but harry didn't care.

he didn't care for the clean stench the men had, nor the cleanly shaven faces or glances he saw.

he looked for louis. he couldn't see his soft hair or strong body, though he saw many smaller men similar to louis' type.

and again, he was rushed with fear and relief at the same moment.

he knew louis would be enlisted, because he had to, and at some point he would go to war. harry just hoped he hadn't miss him before they both died.

he wasn't assuming he would die, nor did he louis, but it was supposed to happen.

no one plans a war where no one dies. 

the ranks stood firm, letting the new troops get signed in and accounted for before moving back to camp. the officers had a line going for men as they dismounted the train, literally signing their lives away with the world's worst contract.

and as the contract greeted more people, harry searched for louis, and when he reached the end of the line, he was thrilled and terrified to not see the feather haired boy.

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