part 11

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the natural satellite of the earth, visible (chiefly at night) by reflected light from the sun.


harry spoke with the nurses, finally having an influence he would use in proper, and he was having a grand time.

there was mostly young women, fresh out of training and ready to help in any way they could, unaware of how their lives would change.

of course, the nurses and surgeons were only staying at the base for a few days before they got more doctors out, and then they could form another field hospital, seeing as how the first had been totally swamped and were severly overwhelmed. nonetheless, harry was happy.

some nurses talked to him like a soldier, asking if his days were hard and feeling up his arms, where as some spoke as if he was but a child, coddling him whenever they got a chance, like his mother.

there was one, however, that did neither, only talking to him like someone her age affected by war; a normal person. her name was luna, which was a strange name harry thought, but balanced the tiny blond well. she spoke softly, and strangely, with nothing but kindness.

"i'm named after the moon. my father loves the woman on the moon." she said as she unpacked her equipment only to repack it again, harry sitting on a table only a few feet from her.

"i thought the moon had a man?" he questioned, watching the flowing locks twist freely as luna turned to look at him again.

"the moon is whoever you wish them to be, man or woman, or even something in between." harry stared at her, insanely confused and silently demanding answers. "i see my mother on the moon. i don't remember her from when i was young, but i can see her in the sky on days the clouds allow it."

"my father told me it was a man on the moon that would beat me if i didn't go to sleep."

"how old were you?"

"around four. i was a right shit."

luna laughed lightly, her hand moving to harry's right knee, her hand looking very small on him. "do you still believe it?"

"never really did."

she let pat his knee in a teasing manner. "well, whatever helps you get through the night."

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