Bonus Chapter (2)

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Zuhaiba muttered as she ran into the nearest coffee shop to save herself from becoming wet by the rain.What a nice day to choose a white dress to wear along with tights.Zuhaiba couldn't help but curse herself.

"Couldn't I have checked the weather forecast?I know that such matters are in Allah's hands but still I could have checked it.Now Allah alone knows for how long I'll be stuck in this rain."

Zuhaiba looked around to see if she could spot a cab but just her luck there was none.Besides her there were a few people who like her were a bit wet.Zuhaiba looked out into the rain and smiled.The rain was another blessing from the Almighty and to the people who lived in the dessert it was truly a rahmat(blessing).She held her books with one hand before reaching the other one out in the rain.The rain drops tickled her her hand and this made her giggle slightly.

Zuhaib watched Zuhaiba from where he was seated in the coffee shop.There was something about what she did that made him smile.She was Masha'Allah(praise be to Allah) very beautiful and had attributes that many other girls lacked in this day and age(P.S.I do. Not mean to offend anyone).For instance she didn't look at him and she never spoke to any of the guys unless and until it was absolutely necessary.He knew that she did not know who he was or what title he held.For once he was grateful for it.He didn't expect her to treat him any differently,in the end he was just human except that he was the going to be king.He knew if he invited her to come have coffee she would refuse so instead he phoned his cousin who was also one of Zuhaiba's,Sadia friends.

"As Salaam Mu Alaykum Zuhaib.Kay fa haluka?"

"Wa Alaykum Mus Salaam.I'm fine.Listen Zuhaiba is here at the coffee shop since its raining and she need to stay dry.Why don't you come here and sit with her until the rain subsides since she won't sit with me since I'm a ghar mahram(men who you have to make purdah with)."

"Sure.We all are on our way and Zuhaiba had to go somewhere so maybe that's how she reached the road where the coffee shop is."

"Come fast otherwise she will catch a cold from standing near the door."

There was silence on the it her end of the phone before he heard snickering.Oh my Allah Sadia had put the phone on loud speaker and everyone heard him being worried about her.Well you see Zuhaib had a reputation as a player and his father had sent him to Cyprus for him to change and he did but never did Zuhaib care so much for a girl.

"Since when does thee Zuhaib aka player of players care for a girl?"

"Oh shut up Humaira.Now get here quickly."

"Chill we almost there."


Zuhaib continued watching Zuhaiba until his cousins and friends arrived.Zuhaiba had begun talking to a small girl who was standing with her mother when she heard someone call her name,she turned around and saw Sadia and her other friends.

"As Salaam Mu Alaykum Sadia."

"Wa Alaykum Mus Salaam Zuhaiba.How are you doing?"

"Great.How come you all are here?"

"Actually we were on our way to meet Zuhaib when we spotted you so decided to greet you."

Zuhaiba smiled at them and then looked around only to spot Zuhaib at one of the booths.She looked away once Sadia when she spoke.

"Want to join us Zuhaiba?"

"Uhmmm sure."


They all walked into the café and went to the booth at which Zuhaib was sitting.Zuhaiba sat down next to Sadia and Humaira.They all ordered something and started talking.

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