Character List

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Name:Zuhaiba Binti Waleed
Father:Waleed Bin Shoaib
Mother:Raeesa Binti Daud (DECEASED)
Spouse:Zuhaib Bin Jaffe
Children:Zuffar Bin Zuhaib
Raeesa Binti Zuhaib
Description:Zuhaiba is 5 ft tall with a slender built.Zuhaiba has hazel brown eyes with thick,long lashes,high cheekbones,a prominent nose and bow shaped lips.Her hair is black,thick and when it is straight reaches the end of her waist.
About her:Zuhaiba is the eldest daughter in the tribe who lost her mother when she was just a year.While her mother was alive she was fostered by Maymoona Binti Zayd.She has no grudges against anyone and is loved by all.She was one of the first to go to the city to study and brought her father pride when she attained first place in the entire university.She is known to be very generous,pious and good hearted.
Zuhaiba was meant to marry Zuhaib but due to events that took place she did not thus letting Aqeelah take her place on the nikaah day.
Zuhaiba is a loving,dutiful and supporting wife to Zuhaib.She loves her children very much but ensures that she never spoils them
Endurements:Habibi (beloved)

Zuhaib Bin Jaffer
Father:Jaffer Bin Abdullah(DECEASED)
Mother:Ayesha Binti Zayn
Spouse:Aqeelah Binti Momina (DIVOURCED)
Zuhaiba Binti Waleed
Children:Zuffar Bin Zuhaib
Raeesa Binti Zuhaib
Description:Zuhaib is 5 ft 7 inches tall with a big muscular built.He has brown-green eyes,fair complexion,a prominent nose,high cheekbones and has started growing a beard.He has brown silky hair that no matter how much he tries to style it,it stays the same.When he gets angry his face becomes red and the veins in his neck pop up even more.
About him:Zuhaib lost his father at a young age and when he came of age he was given the throne.When he was young he never wanted people to know what position he held as he wanted to be treated the same as others.
Zuhaib is a Hafez ul Quraan as well as holds a degree in Islamic studies.
Zuhaib is the eldest brother of his family which gives him responsibility of everyone under him.
He is protective of the people that are under him and serves the country he rules.He never lets the power get to his head.
His was first marriage to Aqeelah was a bit deceitful but he did it anyway to preserve the honour of both tribes.When Aqeelah runs away he has to find a way to maintain peace between both tribes thus giving his wife's tribe a vist.
To Zuhaiba he is a great husband who loves her very much and has a tendency to tease her very much.He is a great father to his children and spoils them but not too much.

Aqeelah Binti Momina
Father:Waleed Bin
Mother:Momina Binti Owais
Spouse:Zuhaib Bin Jaffer (DIVORCED)
Description:Aqeelah is 5 ft 5 1/2 inches tall with a slim build.She has green eyes with a fair complexion,small nose and low cheekbones.She has blond-brown hair which is shoulder length.
About her:Aqeelah at a stage used to love Zuhaiba and consider Zuhaiba her role model.When Zuhaiba got permission to go study in the city it annoyed Aqeelah and her mother made her feel inferior to Zuhaiba,this was when her jealousy started.This jealousy grew when Zuhaiba received first place at the university and everyone only focused on Zuhaiba.
When Aqeelah saw Zuhaib for the first time,it was love at first sight for her but then she begun to hate Zuhaiba when she realised that Zuhaib was only there to propose for Zuhaiba.
When she married Zuhaib she was extremely happy but soon even with all the power that she had she realised that Zuhaib could never truly love her.Aqeelah unable to continue the relationship runs away.


Waleed Bin Shoaib
Father:Shoaib Bin Mohammed
Mother:Kulsum Binti Rayhaan (DECEASED)
Spouse/s:Raeesa Binti Daud(Ummi Nasir) {DECEASED}
Maymoona Binti Zayd(Ummi Zuhaiba)
Momina Binti Owais(Ummi Yusuf)
Aliya Binti Ashraf(Ummi Aazar)
Children:Zuhaiba Binti Waleed
Aqeelah Bin
Yusuf Bin Waleed
Yahya Bin Waleed
Yacoob Bin Waleed
Abdullah Bin Waleed
Nabeel Bin Waleed
Ishmael Bin Waleed
P.S.In the book Waleed has nineteen sons and twelve daughters.Only a few that are mentioned in the book are mentioned here.
Description:Waleed is an old man who stands at 5ft 6 inches and in his younger days had quite a big,intimidating build;as he grew older he now had a slight hunched built yet intimidating.He has brown eyes and fair complexion,a slight crooked nose.
About him:Waleed in his younger days was a great archer,swimmer and wrestler.Being the Chief's son meant that he had to choose his wife when he was only 17,by then he had fell in love with a young girl named Raeesa who he saw at a meeting for all the tribes.He asked his father to propose for her and was married off to her.They were very happy and had two children,one of whom passed away.When Zuhaiba was one,Raeesa passed away from sever fever and body pain.Just before she passed away she requested that he marry Maymoona Binti Zayd,her freed slave girl,a widow and Zuhaiba's foster mother.At first it was a platonic relationship between him and Maymoona but slowly he begun to love her.
Waleed is known to rescue Momina Binti Nadeen from being almost raped and to save her honour he made nikaah with her.
As Zuhaiba is his only child from Raeesa he loves her immensely and often spoils her even though he is usually rebuked by his parents and siblings for doing so.

Raeesa Bint Daud(DECEASED)
Father:Daud Bin Uthmaan
Mother:Rabia Binti Qassim
Spouse:Waleed Bin Shoaib
Children:Nasir Bin Waleed(DECEASED)
Zuhaiba Binti Waleed
Description:Raeesa was 5 ft 2 inches with a small,chubby build.She had hazel eyes,bow shaped lips,chubby cheeks and a small nose.
About her:Raeesa was the daughter of a cloth merchant and one of eight daughters.She was known for her sweet ways and always low temper.She only begun loving Waleed after they were married and often rebuked him when he bought her expensive gifts.Her son,Nasir passed away in his sleep and she was left devastated but Waleed always supported her and helped her overcome her devastation to a certain extent.
When Raeesa gave birth to Zuhaiba she was very careful with her and loved her immensely.When she fell ill,she gave Maymoona the responsibility of Zuhaiba and told Waleed to marry Maymoona if she happened to pass away.
When Raeesa passed away Maymoona was the only one in her tent and she passed away with her head laying in Maymoona's lap as Maymoona recited Quraan.

Maymoona Binti Zayd
Father:Zayd Bin Talha(DECEASED)
Mother:Ruqqayah Binti Rashid (DECEASED)
Spouse/s:Riyad Bin Bashir (DECEASED)
Waleed Bin Shoaib
Children:Eesah Bin Bashir
Talha Bin Waleed
Description:Maymoona is 5 ft 3 1/2 inches tall with a kind of chubby build.She has brown eyes and a bit darkish complexion.
About her:Maymoona was a very close friend of Raeesa since they we're from the same tribe.She was married off to her first husband on the same day that Raeesa married Waleed,her first husband was from Waleed's tribe also.
Her first husband passed away after an accident and due to her love for him she remained a widow despite everyone telling her to marry again.A few months after he passed away she gave birth to a son named Eesah,a month before Raeesa gave birth to Zuhaiba.Keeping to a promise that they made,Maymoona breastfed Zuhaiba and Raeesa breastfed Eesah,thus making the children foster siblings.
When Raeesa got sick,it was a great sadness for Maymoona and she became her nurse.When Raeesa handed her Zuhaiba to take care of,Maymoona promised to love Zuhaiba endlessly and never let her feel the pain of not having a mother.When Raeesa passed away,the only one keeping Maymoona away from becoming depressed was Zuhaiba.She married Waleed for Zuhaiba's sake and slowly they begun falling in love.
She later on had a child with Waleed and Waleed treats her first son like his own.

Momina Binti Nadeen
Father:Nadeen Bin Zaakir (DECEASED)
Mother:Hawa Bin Abu Bakr (DECEASED)
Spouse:Waleed Bin Shoaib
Children:Aqeelah Binti
Yusuf Bin Waleed
Abdullah Bin Waleed
Description:She has blond-brown hair,dark brown eyes and sharp features.She is a big built woman with a sharp tongue.
About her:From the days of her youth Momina has always fantasized about marrying Waleed and gaining the power of being his first wife.Her dreams were shattered when Waleed married Raeesa and a hatred begun building within her.Rumours spread that Momina was indulging in black magic but there was no proof.
Once Raeesa passed away Momina rejoiced as she thought that with Raeesa dead she would marry Waleed.Her dreams were yet again shattered when Waleed married Maymoona and now Momina begun hatching a plan to marry him.
After circumstances Waleed eventually married Momina and during their marriage many incidents took place which were rumoured to be be caused by her.

P.S.Places where I have skipped out details are mentioned in the book I cannot bring the whole story into here so you will have to read further....
Jazakallah for choosing this book and I hope that you enjoy it..

Fi Amanilah

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