Chapter two

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He continued staring at me and my finger that was playing with my hair. I quickly brought my hand back to my side and looked away from his gaze. I looked to my right. And to my surprise, Aria was no longer by my side. What?

I scanned all around the restaurant and that's when I spotted Aria with the man Mr. dark and dangerous was talking to. She was all smiles and giggles, and that's when I knew she was totally flirting with him. She really didn't let a handsome man go by without getting a piece of him.

My eyes pulled away from Aria when I heard 'him' talking. "It'd be best for you if you didn't lie to me, Charity. You'll regret it." He said my 'name' so mockingly, I would've laughed if I hadn't noticed the icy glare he gave me. Shit. Was he serious about the whole 'regretting' thing?

Oooookay, he really didn't like liars. Good to know.

"I'll ask you again, what's your name?" It looked like he was getting a little angry, which caused me to start panicking a bit.

"What's yours?" I asked way too quickly, but I held my confident demeanour. A question to answer his question. Good job, Sierra, play him at his own game, whatever game he was playing. But I couldn't hold on to this fake confidence any longer. He was an intimidating man, one that radiated power and control. I needed to get Aria and get the hell out of here.

"Leonardo." He said in his deep, sexy voice.

Leonardo. Hmm, now that I think about it, that name fit him perfectly. The name was also extremely sexy, just like him. My conscience sighed a pleasant, dreamy sigh.

He looked into my grey eyes a little longer, it was like he was lost in them. As cheesy as that sounds, that's what it looked like. It was a little weird though. I mean, my eyes weren't that great to be honest, there was nothing unique or special about them. The were just a dull, slate grey. Also, he had beautiful ocean blue eyes himself, but you don't see me staring into them every two seconds.

I broke eye contact and simply nodded before leaving. I know that was a little rude of me, but I had nothing else to add to our conversation.

That was it. I left. I didn't give him my name, nor did I continue the awkward small talk. I don't know how I felt about that though.

A part of me was glad that I left, considering he basically screamed trouble. But a part of me wanted to talk to him, to get to know the mysterious man.

I hurried outside and when I got there, I leaned against the side wall of the restaurant and tried to control my heavy breathing. I quickly sent a text to Aria telling her I was outside, she replied saying that I should go back to the outlet mall and look around for a dress, and she'll meet be there soon.

I didn't know how long 'soon' was, but I sent an "okay" to her, and made my way to the mall.

It had been about 30 minutes when Aria finally came back, her face was flushed and hair disheveled. She had the 'just did it" look, if you know what I mean.

"Really Aria?" I rolled my eyes. "A quickie in a fancy restaurant?" I shook my head at her.

"Marco is soooo hot, and totally my type. I could definitely see us together in the near future." She had the dreamy look in her eyes.

"Oh please. Five bucks says you don't even know his last name," I smirked.

Now it was her turn to roll her eyes. "Whatever, you suck!"

"Hmm, I don't know about me, but you sure do. And did so only a few minutes ago." I nudged her shoulder playfully.

We both laughed and looked around the store. That's when my eyes landed on a fitted black dress. It was simple but beautiful nonetheless. I thought it was perfect for the interview. I could pair it with a black blazer and black heels.

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