Chapter eleven

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After Leonardo left the party after creating a huge commotion, I left as well. I didn't know what else to do so I went up to the colleague that Leonardo beat up brutally, and apologized maybe about a hundred times. I felt horrible and responsible for everything that happened. I'd never seen that side of Leonardo before and I didn't like it one bit.

So after my colleague, Ray, assured me that he was fine, and we hugged it out, I went up to Mr. and Mrs. Whitestone and apologized again and said goodbye.

When I went outside, I planned to call a taxi because I came with Leonardo and with him gone, I had no ride home. I stopped abruptly in my steps, when a face I kind of recognized came in my line of vision.

It was Leonardo's driver, Benjamin. What was he doing here? Leonardo was already gone, plus we didn't come with Benjamin, Leonardo was the one who drove.

"Ms. Blake, I'm here to take you home." Before I could say no, or anything for that matter, he turned around and started walking towards a black suv parked on the side.

I didn't know what else to do so I followed him towards the monster of a car. He held open the door for me, but I didn't want to sit in the back while he drived. I wasn't used to that and would feel weird.

"Can I sit in the passenger seat up front?" I looked up towards the tall figure.

He didn't budge or even blink at my request, he simply continued holding the backdoor open for me and I got my answer. I quietly got in, put on my seatbelt, and sat back. Banjamin got in the driver seat and started the car.

I looked out the window at the hundreds of cars, buzzing past us. It was a beautiful sight, seeing so many lights in the dark. Benjamin didn't speak or turn on the radio, so I entertained myself with my thoughts.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the window and the first thing that came to mind was Leonardo. I internally rolled my eyes, of course.

What I kept thinking about was Leonardo's departure. Why did he leave so suddenly, and why did it feel so weird, like he was leaving for good?

I'll admit it, I was quite unhappy and sorrowful when he left. I didn't want him to leave, which is ironic since I had asked him to leave. I wanted to spend more time with him. But it honestly felt like I was never going to see him again, and that thought made my chest tighten. What was wrong with me?

And the way he looked at me and touched me affectionately before he left, made me realize that I had more feelings for Leonardo than I was willing to let on. When he touched my lips, I wanted him to kiss me, so badly. I craved his touch, which didn't make any sense, since we'd only shared one kiss.

Leonardo was really messing with my head, but this time I didn't mind it. This was so wrong, I couldn't have any sort of feelings for the man. I knew he was dangerous, it wasn't really hard to miss. And, after what he did to Ray, he definitely wasn't my type, I hated violence.

But I knew deep down, despite how much I tried to deny it, I had feelings for him. This was wrong, so, so, so wrong. I couldn't have any sort of feelings for that man. What the hell was wrong with me? I hardly knew him.

God, was it normal to like someone you don't know?

I'd liked guys before and even dated a few, but Leonardo was different. He was in a league of his own, and I didn't know how to deal with that.

I could deny it for however long I wanted, but at the end of the day, I knew I had feelings for him and I hated myself for it. He was bad for me. Fuck, I was hopeless. I just had to have feelings for the one guy that screams danger everywhere he goes.

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