Chapter seven

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This week had been completely and utterly crazy. With my whole team running around doing our assigned job, and trying to organize Whitestone interior design's anniversary party, it was hectic to say the least. And luckily, it was Friday which meant the party was tomorrow and we were almost finished.

"okay, Sierra I think you can go home now, we're almost done with everything. I'll call you if I need your help with anything else, but I'm pretty sure we won't. And don't stress too much, go out for some drinks or something and enjoy your night, you helped a ton today!" Maya spoke sweetly, looking up from her desk.

"Alright thanks, Maya. But I'll have my cell on me at all times so you can call whenever." I held up my cellphone to indicate that she really could call my whenever.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Go home and rest now," Maya chuckled.

I waved goodbye to everyone on our team except for Vanessa, who had asked to leave early because she had a date.

I stepped out of the building and into the night's chilly air. Unfortunately, I was only wearing a white top and leggings, so I was freezing. I had decided to change into comfy clothes at 5 when everyone, with the exception my team, had left work. It was now 8 pm, and already really dark outside.

After a good 15 minutes of standing on the side of the road trying to get a cab, I gave up. I couldn't stay here any longer, it was already really dark. I decided it was best to just walk home.

When I was about 15 minutes away, a sleek black car slowed on the road beside me. I didn't know if they stopped for me so I decided to just continue walking. I was about 10 steps away from the car when I heard a voice call my name. The voice I had recently been thinking about constantly.

I stopped mid-step, I knew it was Leonardo, it was hard not to recognize his voice. I slowly turned around and came face to face with a handsome Leonardo. When did he not look dashing?

I stood staring at his built body covered in a clearly expensive all black three piece suit. After a few seconds, I gave him a questioning glance. What was he doing here?

He took slow strides towards me and that smirk on his face made goosebumps rise everywhere on my body. He was beautiful! Ugh.

"Sierra," he greeted.

"What're you doing here Leonardo?" I crossed my arms across my chest waiting for his answer.

"Well I was just passing by when I saw you walking alone. It's dangerous to walk alone this late, you're a smart woman you should've known better," he scolded.

He infuriated me beyond belief, yet his charm made it hard to stay mad at him.

I tucked my blond hair behind my ear and spoke, "Yeah well I'm almost home, so you can leave now. You don't have to worry about me."

"It's hard not to worry when a beautiful woman like you is walking in the dark, alone." He looked irritated.

But wait. Did he just call me beautiful? Leonardo, the hottest man alive (atleast in my opinion) thinks I'm attractive? Woah.

"You think I'm beautiful?" I smiled, slightly.

He looked away, seeming a little embarrassed. "Come on, I'll drop you home."

I thought about this for a moment. Would it be safe to let a stranger drop me home. But then again, was he a stranger?

"I will not harm you in any way, I promise, tesoro." He looked serious and his promise seemed genuine.

I sighed and nodded. Why not? What's the worst that could happen? He'd probably kill me and throw me in a ditch, but whatever, I couldn't walk any longer anyway.

He opened the back door for me and he got in after me. I just realized that he never drove himself, he always had a driver with him. Did he even know how to drive? Hmm I should ask him.

After a minute or two, I decided not to. What was it to me anyway?

I gave him the address and soon we were parked infront of my apartment. I could see Paul sitting behind his chair inside, did that man never sleep?

"Well uh thanks for the ride, I really appreciate it."

He just gave a polite nod in return before his driver came to open my door. But before I could step out, I was stopped by his voice. I turned around in my seat to face him. "I'm still waiting on our coffee date." He smirked.

What? Oh! Then I remembered that I agreed to let him take me out for coffee. But I wasn't free anytime soon. Since we spent so much time organizing the party tomorrow, I was quite behind on all my other projects and I really needed to catch up.

"I can't. Not for a few weeks. I have tons of work to do because I'm already really behind." My grey eyes stared into his blue ones deeply as I spoke.

"You can't even spare an hour?" He seemed displeased and annoyed. It was obvious he wasn't used to rejection.

"Afraid not. The only time I'm free until next month is tomorrow, and that's only because it's Whitestone Interior Designs anniversary."

"Well look at that. I'm invited too. Be my date." He didn't even bother asking, rather he commanded.


"I'll pick you up at 7. My driver, Benjamin, will come by earlier to drop off a dress for you." He didn't even let me finish talking before basically telling me that I was his date. Does this man ever listen to anyone? I sighed internally in annoyance.

"Leonardo!" That got his attention. "I can't go with you, I have to go early to make sure all the preparations are done and that everything is going well.

He shook his head, "No. I'll call Mr. Whitestone, all you have to worry about is getting ready by 7. Have a good night, tesoro." His deep blue eyes stared into mine for a good minute before finally looking away. He was goddamn perfect, and his lips, they looked so kissable. What? What are you doing, stop thinking like that, Sierra!

How did this even happen? How is Leonardo my date for tomorrow all of a sudden? I swear nothing goes according to my plans. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to spend time with him. I know I should stay away, but it was hard when he was igniting all these weird feelings inside me.

I walked inside my apartment building and greeted Paul with a polite smile.

"Hey kiddo. You're home quite late?" He acted like my second father and I honestly loved that about him. It showed me that I was cared for.

"Yeah, I just got caught up with work."

Before Paul could reply, the phone on his desk started ringing and he gave me a sweet smile before answering the phone. That was my cue to walk away, I guess.

As soon as I entered my apartment building, I noticed how quiet it was. That had been happening a lot, Aria was basically never home. She came home after I did, and so the only time I actually did see her was in the morning and that was only for a few minutes while eating breakfast. This had been going on for a whole week, I really needed to find out what was really happening.

I decided to talk to her tomorrow before the party since she was also coming to the anniversary party.  Something was definitely happening, and this whole thing started the day she went on that blind date.

I'm really sorry for this awfully shitty chapter, but I promise next chapter will be much more interesting (I hope) !!!

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