Chapter six

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It was about 12:30 pm when I finally made it to Ray's Coffee shop. I could smell the sweet aroma of coffee from all the way inside. Aaahh. Delicious!

As soon as I opened the door, the bell chimed and all eyes turned towards me. Dang, I hated being in the spotlight. I smiled awkwardly, and looked around looking for the 9 other people on my team.

At Whitestone Interior Designs, we were all put into different groups. Each person was assigned a group depending on where they wanted to 'work.' I worked with the people who designed houses since that's what I enjoyed the most. But the other groups included people who designed buildings, restaurants, offices, etc. It was one of the best interior design companies in all of New York and I was incredibly proud of myself for being able to get a job there. It was a huge deal!

My eyes finally spotted Mr. Whitestone, his wife and assistant, Linda, Kevin, Vanessa, and the other 6  members on my team, we were still missing one person, I guess. I made my way over to them and got a warm welcome.

"Hi, S!" Mia exclaimed. She gave me the nickname 'S' since she couldn't come up with anything else. She was chirpy and full of life all the time, I loved being around her.

"Hey, Mia." I gave her a warm smile.

"Hello, Sierra. Take a seat." Mr. Whitestone pointed to the empty chair between Kevin and Mia.

I made my way to the chair and sat down, after saying 'hello' to everyone else. I really liked my team. Everyone was genuinely nice, and easy to get along with. And, best of all, they didn't point out my british accent. Don't get me wrong, I loved my accent just the way it was, but I didn't like to feel like an 'outsider,' I wanted to fit in as an American.

"Alright, we'll get started when Natalie gets her," Mr Whitestone said before taking a sip of his coffee. I took that time to call the waiter over and order a cup of coffee for myself. By the time it arrived, Natalie was here. Natalie was someone who had joined just a couple of days before I had. And, since we were both newbies, we became really good friends in an instance.

"Welcome everyone, thank you all for coming here on such short notice, especially on a saturday," Mr. Whitestone started. "I have called you all here because Whitestone Interior Design  company's anniversary is coming up soon and I want your help with the party. Since this team has the most experienced employees, I think it'd be best if you guys organized the whole event. I know I could just hire a party planner, but this is a way for me to see how all of you are doing with your job. Also, Sierra and Natalie could learn a few more things. Only if you guys want to, though. You will get paid extra but it's totally okay if you do not wish to be part of this, I know this time of the year is usually the busiest."

We were all quiet for a moment, thinking in our minds if we should take him up on that offer. He was right, it was definitely very busy, but I knew this type of big project would be really good for career, and decided that I should do it.

"It's a yes from me," I said, looking around the large table. I took a sip of my coffee and waited for everyone else's answer.

A bunch of 'yes's' came from the table. We had all agreed, and I was stoked to work with such experienced designers. Some had been with the company since it first started.

"Alright everyone. I'm glad you accepted the offer. We'll start work on monday, but we're on a little bit of a tight schedule. The party has to be held this coming weekend. The weekend after, Linda and I, and our children are going on a small vacation." Mr. Whitestone said the last bit looking at Linda and smiling. Aahh, they were so in love, it made me want to be in love! I snorted internally, like that was going to happen anytime soon.

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