Chapter 4: Dinner and Crazy Sunday

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Since I'm awesome here's another chapter!
Warning: I suck at grammar!!!


Finding a outfit for dinner was harder then I thought so I'm running late, again. (Her outfit above!) Catching a cab I make sure he steps on it, next thing I know I'm in front of Bruce Wayne's front door. Taking a deep breath I knock, a second later Alfred opens the door

"Yes, may I help you?"

"What you don't recognize me Alfred?" He looks me over and his eyes widen and he pulls me into a hug

"It is nice to see you again miss Hazel" I chuckle

"I missed you Alfred"

"Me to miss Hazel" he pulls away from the hug and leads me inside to the dining room. Sitting down I wait for Bruce, hoping I wouldn't jump on him when I see him

"Haze!" I glance behind me and see Bruce and it feels like I've known him forever. Jumping up from my seat I attack him in a bear hug he chuckles and holds me tight

"I missed you Brucey"

"Me to haze. God I missed you so much" pulling away from him I shower his face in kisses

"Hey! would you stop that!"

"Oh, sorry mister playboy" he gives me a playful glare which I return

"Well if you two are done arguing I'll bring dinner" I jump, startled I forgot Alfred was in here

"Sorry Alfred"

"It's no problem miss Hazel"

Sitting back in my seat Bruce sits next to me, which I roll my eyes at. After a little talking Alfred comes back with dinner, the smell making me drool. I hear Bruce laugh at me but I ignore him and take a bite of the heavenly steak

"So good!"

"You act like you haven't had a proper meal in forever"

"Maybe because I haven't, everyday I get home from work I'm so tried out well to lazy to make anything to eat so I order pizza or Chinese" I hear Bruce sigh

"Hey! I'm not going to get fat I go to the gym on a regular bases!"

"Sure" rolling my eyes at his sarcasm I finish my heavenly meal

After dinner........

Me and Bruce sit in the living room playing card games me winning every time

"You must be cheating!"

"Your just a sore loser" he glares at me and I smirk

"Another game!"

"Sure Brucey"

We play again and of course I win, again. After that Bruce gives up so we watch some tv me falling asleep in the process

"Stop it!"

I watch as Hayes is thrown against a wall and glare at the man who is using me as a punching bag

"Glaring won't help little girl"

After he says that I'm hit again and again, only stopping to pour cold water on me so I don't pass out. I don't know how long that carried on but it felt like forever

"Haze! What have they done to you?!" Opening my tired eyes I see my team standing in front of me. Hayes runs over to me and unlocks the chains that are holding me up making me fall forward, Mason catches me and it looks like he's going to cry.

"Hey guys, why do you look so sad?"

"Because your hurt" I chuckle at them

"Don't worry boys! Takes way more then a couple beatings to kill me"

I look up into Hayes's sad eyes "sure does" I give him a tired smile and that's the last thing I remember before darkness consumes me

Opening my eyes I'm blinded by sunlight groaning I turn over hitting something in the process, confused I open my eyes and see Bruce sleeping next to me. Rolling my eyes I go back to sleep

A couple hours later.......

"It's time to get up haze!" Groaning I turn away from the loud voice

"You won't get any breakfast if you don't get up!" That immediately wakes me up and I jump off of the couch falling on my face in the process. Hearing Bruce laugh I stand up and groan

"Shut up"

"Sorry, sorry. Now come on Alfred made breakfast"

Glancing at the clock again I glare at Bruce for making me sit through this, he's getting a suit fitted and it's taking to long!

"Your going to hurt your eyes if you keep glaring at me"

"If I could set you on fire with my eyes that would be amazing" I see him roll his eyes and chuckle meaning me glare even harder

"I'll be done in a little bit"

A hour later and he's finally done and that's when I'm out the door Bruce running after me. Stopping when I see a cafe I pull him inside, and that's how our day goes us sitting there drinking coffee and talking. Thinking back on it I've started to think of him as a brother

The next day..........

Sitting in bed watching supernatural is what I always do on rainy days, but not this Sunday. Today I'm dancing around my apartment singing off key lyrics, because today is my stupid day. Where I do anything i want and that means trashing my kitchen, which I did not do! Okay maybe I did but I'll clean it later. So that was my Sunday doing whatever I wanted in my apartment and passing out from to much reading

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter! It is another filler but the next chapter will be more interesting I promise!!
Thank you for reading!!!
Stay lovely💜💚

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