Chapter 18: The Ring

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Hey guys I know its been forever since I updated and I didn't want you guys to wait so long so here's a short update! I hope you like it:)
Warning: I suck at grammar and punctuation!!


It's been a week since the joker broke down and everything is going well, I mean he's still murderous and crazy, but I can see he's changing little by little. He just needs time, nobody can heal in a week.



I close my book and look at the door "come in!"

The door opens and jack walks in, he doesn't like to be called jack but I do it anyways. He needs to get used to his name again, it would be good for him.

"Oh jack! What's up?"

He flinches at the name then gives me a small smile "uh I got you something, a thank you gift. You've helped me a lot and I've been really rude to you"

My eyes widen and I look at him with suspicion is that really the joker? He's surprisingly sane when he's calm. And gift?

He pulls out a small box from behind him and hands it to me, smiling at him I take it and unwrap it. Opening the box my eyes widen when I see a beautiful ring (ring above!!) that looks like a crown, a grin covers my face and I look over a jack who looks worried.

"It's beautiful jack but did you.....?"

He shakes his head "No I bought it I promise"

I nod deciding to believe him "It is really beautiful but I can't take this jack, it's way to expensive."

His small smile disappears and sadness takes over "Its a gift for helping and it wasn't that expensive, please keep it?"

Looking into his pleading eyes I sigh and nod "okay"

He smiles and I slip the beautiful ring out of the box and put it on my right index finger, the perfect size I wonder how he knew?

His gaze stays at my hand and I raise an eyebrow, he's acting kind of weird.


He snaps out of his daze and looks at me with a smile "Thank you for accepting my gift, but I have to get back to work so I'll see you later."

I nod and he's out the door leaving me to think about what just happened.

But why do I have butterflies?


Stepping out of her room i close the door behind me, a grin covers my face as I walk down the hall to my office. She accepted my gift! But I can't believe she doesn't know what it is, has she never seen a promise ring before?

Arriving at my office I open the door and sit down in my chair, the smile slipping off my face and being replaced by a frown. Running my hands through my hair I start to wonder what's wrong with me, why am I acting so different? Why am I letting her change me? Why did I give her that promise ring? I've never ever thought of marriage before so why now? And with Hazel? And why do I imagine a future with her? 

Sighing I rub my eyes and lean back in my chair with once question standing out to the rest, how did I fall so deeply for her?

Sorry it's so short!! But this chapter is important! Because it shows that Hazel is starting to feel a little something for the joker, and he already feels deeply for her. So what do you guys think? Did you like it? Please comment I would love to know!!:)
Stay lovely my stormmies🌨

Question: Who's your favorite character?

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