Chapter Eleven

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Dylan flew out the door, he didnt even bother to bandage his hand,

"Dylan? whats happending?" i asked,

"fuck, fuck, FUCK! Alex pack your bags... and FAST!" Dylan was running around the room throwing things into our bags,

"Dylan?" i asked again, but still he ignored me, "DYLAN! LOOK AT ME!" i growled, shocked i covered my mouth, Dylan stopped and looked at me. "what. is. happening." i asked slowly. Dylan sighed,

"nothing big... just your vision... its" he stopped, then he flung more clothes in my bag.

"Dylan would you please tell me whats going on!" i begged, tears coming to my eyes, he still didnt look at me,

"Honey i will tell you as soon as were out of here." he said, then tears flooded my vision, i sat on the bed, crying. Dylan stopped, "Alex whats wrong!?" he fell to his knees in front of me.

"your not telling me! you keeping things from me! i just fell... usless!" i sobbed. buring my hands in my face.

"Alex! im gonna tell you! just not now, come now sweetie! please stop!" he begged, but as hard as i tried i couldnt.

"i- i cant! i just wanna know. i hate it when people keep secrets from me..." i sniffed, he sighed.

"its just that you had a vision of you killing all your love ones, we need to leave, you cant stay here any longer... other wise it may come true..." he turned from me again.

"but Dylan! i killed you too! and im NOT leaving you!" i yelled getting a little scared. he froze,

"you may have to..."

my eyes widened,

"No! NEVER! you cant make me!" i got up and ran to him, i put my arms around his wast, "no, no, no, never, please, you cant make me..." i mumbled.

"lets just forget about it for now, come one please..." he said. i got to work on packing our bags.

Im not leaving him, ever!

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