Chapter Twenty One

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i smiled evilly.

"why would you do that Dylan? Hurt this poor girl?" the wolf spoke, the words tumbling out of my mouth.  Dylan's eyes darkened.

"Your not Alex.... Your her wolf! Let her go!" He shouted, i smiled evilly.

"Its not the wolf Dylan.... it all my choice." i replied, my teeth going pointed.

"what?!" he asked shocked stepping away. i didn't answer, a random car drove in between us. my hands dug into the sides and i heaved it towards him, it hit him with a shatter.

"Alex! this is not you please stop!" he shouted throwing it off of him. i grabbed a huge tree branch.

"Oh but it is Dylan!" i shouted, i jumped at wolf speed and drove the branch into his stomach. it made a sickening crunch, i could hear the bark tearing and leaving inside of his skin, he spit blood, his blood splattered all over my face.

"Time to die." i smiled and bit down on his shoulder. i heard him grunt and he heaved me off of him. "What the hell!" i shouted.

"you can kill me that easily Alex.... im your mate, remember." he smiled spitting blood.

"Grrrr! you will fucking die whether you want to or not!" i shouted. the wolf smiled in approval.

i jumped at him.

my claws ripped threw his already bit shoulder.

"Alex that's enough!" he shouted throwing me into a wall. the wall made contact with my body and a shock went threw me. i fell out of my now new hole in the wall.

"oh? so now you fighting back?" i smiled wiping the new found blood off of my mouth.

"I'm not fighting you! im simply trying to get you to think!" he shouted holding his shoulder.

"think?! HA! you sound like Jordan now!" i shouted.

"Jordan made you sound imperfect! your not!" he yelled.

"I'm fucking imperfect and PROUD!" i yelled lunging at him he side stepped and his arm made contact with my chest. the air escaped my lungs in a puff. i fell to the ground panting.

" Alex stop! This isn't you! please i hate hurting you!" he cried.

"im sorry... your right." i muttered, he smiled and held his hand down. i grasped it smiling.

"lets go home Hun." he hugged me.

"there's one thing i need to do first though..." i mumbled against his shoulder.

"Go visit your moms grave?" he asked.

"no... KILL YOU!" i yelled digging my clawed hands into the back of his shoulders, he coughed blood.

"Alex..." he whispered.

"Die..." i mumbled, then a sharp pain hit me in the sides. i looked down to find Dylan's hands digging into my sides.

"OH? so you are fighting back?" i whispered creepily.

"yeah i am.... you have gone to far to go BACK!" he shouted, he shoved me aside. i hit into a glass building with a crash, pain exploded thew out me. i let out a low growl.

"OH its on Dylan!" i rawred.

"good! and im not going easy one you!" he shouted. i jumped at him.

"DIE!" i yelled, he grasped my hair and slammed me down into the concrete.i spit up blood.

"you think your gonna beat me that easily?" i asked, i kicked my leg up and it made contact with his chin. he went flying, i heard a sickening crunch. he looked at me and then ran into an old warehouse.

i looked in and saw Dylan holding two guns. Guns? he must have found them.

i found tones of metal planks. i grasped one, he jumped hearing me making sounds. i laughed creepy.

"Alex! were are you! come out and show your morphed face!" he yelled hurtful words, i clutched a metal plank. i slowly creeped around towards him.

when his back was to me i jumped out.

bang! i hit him on the head with the plank, he turned and shot his gun, it made contact with my shoulder.

i hit him again and again, he keep shooting. one grazed my cheek and one made contact with my knee.

but i felt no pain.

"WHY WONT YOU DIE!" i shouted hitting him again.

CLICK! his guns when dead, i smiled and heaved the plank one more time at him, it made contact with his head and he was finally out cold.

now time to torture him.


i had him all tied up to the back of the basement of the warehouse.

he stirred.

"good morning Dylan, ready for some pain?" i smiled creepily.

"Alex..." he mumbled.

i smiled and grabbed some of the nearest rusty nails.

i plunged then into his sides, he grunted in pain.

"oh not enough? i was saving this but...." i pulled out a thing of wolfs bane.

"Noo..." he mumbled.

"open up wide." my eyes glowed evilly. i forced his mouth open and shoved the wolfs bane down his throat. he began spitting up tones of blood, i took shattered Glass and thew then at him, they stuck in his eyes and skin. i laughed,

"Goodnight..." i mumbled slicing open his chest. "forever." i shoved my hand up his chest and grasped his heart, i squoze it so hard it popped. i smiled and walked away....

Now Alex... onto everyone else... the wolf spoke, i smiled and walked out, to my next target.

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