Chapter one. Mercy

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This is a world wide alert, stand by for important information. The World leaders are dead, this is an extinction scale invent. Don't panic. Three years after the first infection, the U.S government has fallen along with the World leaders.

There. Is. No. Cure.

" Bloody idiots." The girl grunted and loaded another bullet into her AR 15. Aiming at z near a shaggy haired kid, the bullet zoomed past his ear and hit the Z dead center right between the eyes.

She shot another as the kid started to panic from the zombies and her shooting near him. The girl deciding that her bullets were getting to close to the boy slung the gun over her shoulder and sprinted towards the boy, the Zombies were hoarding around him and he he was playing hell getting them off him.

She grabbed her steel fight knife that doubled as brass knuckles. " Ladies! Be nice!" The brave girl shouted, getting their attention. A couple turned to her, growling and spitting blood everywhere. The girl raced forward, picking up her speed while knifing one in the head while turning and round house kicking one that was behind her in the jaw. It stumbled back, the jaw was a couple yards away. " Go!" She screamed at the stupid boy as some of them, closed in around her.

She stabbed the zombies left and right but she just wasn't fast enough. The boy pressed his back against the wall behind him, paralyzed with fear as the teen felt one nip her shoulder, she stumbled forward slamming into the boy.

Making a cage with her body around him as the zombies started to bite her shoulders and back, fighting against her armor made of tire rubber. " Ah!" She grunted and kicked against the zombies in a useless effort to combat the undead.

They growled and snarled as she screamed and cried from the pain. The spikes she had attached to her armor detoured them a little but not enough. She had little time so she had to make any move quick.

The girl swiftly turned and slammed her back against the boy, knocking the breath from his lungs. She started stabbing them in the head while grabbed her other knife from her boot by lifting her leg to limit her distraction from the z's. They dropped around her, slowly creating a small barer around the boy and her.

" Son of a bitch." Grunted the injured girl while pulling out her six shooter and shot a couple in their heads. They stumbled back, knocking some others down as they fell.

The boy was still behind her as she fought the Z's, she was going good but quickly becoming exhausted from the effort. This kid better be worth the fight she thought angrily, cursing her beliefs briefly.

A group started running towards them, weapons in hand. Thank you Jesus. A black woman pulled out a machete as the red headed girl fell to her knees, the muscles no longer able to sustain her weight as she lost focus and a Z bit her again.

" 10k! 10k, get away from her, she's been bit!" An old man shouted. The boy coming to his senses un froze his self and started to stumble away from his savior, killing him self a path.


Black spots edged her vison as she sloppily knifed the last z that was crawling towards her by throwing one her throwing knives. A guy with very dirty blonde hair pointed his gun at the boys savior, slowly she raised her hand up to hopefully stop him fro shooting the poor girl. Her green eyes focused and un-focused on the figures around her, the girls sight, wonky from the pain.

" Don't, I'm fine." She whispered and dropped her knife. " She's bit, Mack! Mercy her!" A dirt looking fellow shouted pointing at the girl who barely noticed the sudden noise from the ringing in her ears.

He cocked his gun and she shook her head in her small but noticeable protest. " I-I'm immune." She groaned and let her raised hand drop limply to her side.

Mercy [ K Y L O  R E N ]Where stories live. Discover now