Chapter thirteen: Be good

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You taught me the courage of stars before you left.

How light carries on endlessly, even after death.

With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite.

How rare and beautiful it is to even exist.


The body laid still against the frigid wall, not moving just like all the other days since it had been here, hanging by the ceiling with her feet tied to the wall behind her. Above her head was a metal bar that went from one side of the room to the other horizontally, hanging from the bar was the cuffs attached to a chain.

Her feet, just inches from the floor were cuffed as well, the cuffs with a small chain bolted to the floor.

It was good that the girl was unconscious, otherwise she would be in extreme agony. Her arms were ripped out their sockets and her the cuffs on both her hands and feet bruised and tore at her skin. Despite this, the kidnappers did have an ounce of mercy in them.

They had bandaged the wound on the girls face, wrapping a mix of tape and gauze around half her face to try and stop the bleeding. Twice a day, one guard came to feed her, change the bandages, and clean the wound.

Same guard every time, every day.

It was awkward when she first got there, he had to undress her, he was elected to her care because he held no lust for her body like the others did. She was pretty, he would admit that but most certainly not worth his time, no offence to her. Plus based on her looks she was a baby compared to him.

" I wonder what you did to deserve this? Your a child, a dangerous one but you don't deserve this."

The guard mumbled from his relaxed state on the stool across the room from her with his back leant against the wall, his elbows resting on his knees while his left foot tapped the floor obnoxiously. Had the girl been awake she would have requested he stop the habit.

" You must have done something horrible, I mean I've done some bad things in my life time, horrible things that I probably won't ever get over so I guess who am I to judge?" He shrugged but shook his head at himself.

" I've gone mad haven't I? Talking to a person that is all but dead, your mind is completely off!" He exclaimed and stood up, stomping over to the girl. " I know nothing about you, what you've done, what your gonna do! All I get is what I can see, your scarred from fighting so your smart cus' your still alive, your strong, emotionally and physically." He searched her pale face in frustration as he remembered when she first came here and he had to undress her.

He had to cut her shirt off to see the scars, if she had three vertical scars on her back then she was the girl they were looking for, but as he searched past all the other scars he noted that every time he moved her, her back muscles would flex naturally. When he had to tie her up he also noted that her stomach was hard from the muscles, a clear six pack. It wouldn't be so clear had she enough body fat which she was in dire need of.

" You feel betrayed, you were close to that boy weren't you? Otherwise you would not have tried to save him, and he betrayed you, probably not the first time either so your forgiving, merciful even."

" That would explain your nickname, the boy did call you " Mercy", of all the names why that one? Seems kinda cliché to me." He questioned before he, in two strides grabbed the stool and then brought it back to set in front of the girl, he was not the tallest guy out there at 5'11.

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