Chapter eleven: I hate you

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" Every one is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody ."

~ Mark Twain.


" Cora! Cora, where did you go? C'mon your brother will kill me if we don't get back soon!" The young assassin shouted for the even younger Padawan, the age difference was big. A grand total of eleven years, but despite that they were friends at Coraline being only a mere ten and Lyra being twenty-one. Lyra baby sat Coraline after training her Padawan Theodore, the Butcher family insisted they pay her hourly wage but Lyra always declined for the simple fact that when she did babysit Cora, one it was always a blast just because Cora was just a happy go lucky kid ,and second it also meant she got to hang out with her best friend, Daniel, he was also Coraline's older brother so he was around her when ever he wasn't training. " Stop panicking, sheesh Master Tano, I'm right here!" Called the young Padawan from behind Lyra, when the assassin turned around she only sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. " You are a real handful you know that, Cora?" Lyra shook her head to hide a smile. " True that, but you love me so there, all actions excused." The young girl sassed. " Ugh, you are so cute, c'mon let's get you back to Danny." Lyra smiled before she picked up Cora but that's when Cora started hearing her name being called. " Mercy."

" Mercy."

" Mercy, wake up!"

Soon everything started to fade and Cora cried, " No! Master Tano! No, I don't want to leave!"

" C'mon, wake up! Warren! Warren, she's not waking up!!"

" If you don't wanna wake up, then don't go to sleep, young Padawan." Hands started to rip Cora's body from Lyra's just as she fell back with a bullet in her head.

" NO!" Cried the red headed girl as she sprang from her death like sleep, she didn't want to wake because she didn't want to go back to sleep with a different dream. It was a fifty-fifty chance she would get her vision or a dream about Lyra and her family.

Which one hurt worse?

You might call it equal.

" Mercy! Shh, it's alright, it's okay just be quiet." Addy put her hand over Mercy's mouth to silence her cry. " What's happening?" Mercy's words were muffled by Addy's hand.
We've ran into a camp, the girls in our group can go in just not the boys." Addy explained, sitting back away from Mercy.

" So what's the big deal?" Mercy grunted. " They've got big guns and you screaming might, uh, cause some alarm." Addy scratched the back of her head awkwardly.

Ever sense Mercy killed Lyra and had explained her whole life story to the group right down to her being an assassin ( She didn't mention her vison nor her dreams because those were a private matter that she would not discuss and she would deal with them on her own, she didn't mention the dark force either or anything that had to do with for that too, was a private matter). They were shocked at first, but then they soon realized how much this info cleared things up.

But the downside was that 10k now for sure hated her more then he did before.

She had kept things from him, yes but that was probably a good idea considering how trust worthy he has been. On the other hand, maybe he had a right to be distrustful. She had lied to him about things, who she was, what she had done, almost everything he had thought he had known about her was either a lie or an assumption.

The group thought she had just been a regular teen before the apocalypse, the girl who studied, made trouble and had boys numbers in her phone, boys who wanted to date her then and there, not willing to wait till she was six-teen.

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