Chapter three. Home Sweet Zombie

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" Mercy! Hey, come here." Garnett called me from the kitchen. We were staying in an abandoned house so we had the basic things, like a kitchen. I sat up from my spot at a recliner, 10k looked up from his magazine.

" Yeah?" I walked over to them and , leaned against the doorway. " Can you and 10k go take Addy and Mack's placing guarding the house?" Warren sipped her coffee while saying this. " I dunno that I would call it guarding, Mate. Their just play fighting but sure, I'll ask 10k." I nodded and went to grab two candy bars that were on the counter but not before I looked at them, asking with my eyes. They nodded and smiled. I grinned and grabbed them, damn near skipping into the living room where Cassandra and 10k were at. " Hey, 10k. Garnett and Warren want us to switch places with Addy and Mack." I leaned on my left leg and tilted my head at him and Cassandra. He was adjusting her blanket when she nearly stabbed his hand with a knife. " Uh sure." He nodded but his eyes held a mischievous glint.

Oh no.

Before I could even react he had thrown me over his shoulder. " 10k! No!" I shrieked but my tone was playful. " Nope." He shook his head and jogged out the door. I was light I knew that, I was even lighter because I didn't have my AR 15 on me, but damn 10k was stronger then he looked.

Once we were out the door and onto the lawn, he started to spin. I was giggling and grinning the entire time. I haven't had this much fun since pre Z.

Addy and Mack watched us, amused and laughing, when 10k sat me down only for me to fall on my ass from dizziness.

He grinned and fell to his knees in front of me. I looked him with a lop sided grin, I tackled him.

" Hey!" He laughed and tried to get on top of me but I was faster. We play wrestled on the ground, a Prestel of limps and smiles.

He ended up on top with his thighs straddling my waist. " Gotcha." He grinned and put his hands on either side of my head. " Damn you, sharpshooter." I joked, he put a hand on his chest, faking a hurt expression.

" Hey Guys." Warren greeted us as her and Garnett stood on the porch, sipping their cups of coffee like it wasn't the Zombie Apocalypse. " You guys go ahead inside, rest up. Supposed to be a storm so no need to be out here." Garnett pointed inside with his thumb.

10k lifted his legs off me and waited for me to stand up before he bent his legs, gesturing for me to climb onto his back.

I grinned and climbed onto his back, wrapping my arms around his shoulders while he moved my legs so they were resting on his hips. We, I should say he, walked up the stairs passing Warren and into the house, I ducked my head to avoid the roof.

It had been a couple days since Doc almost died and in that time, 10k and I had become great friends.

He set me down back onto the recliner with a 'oof ' from me. 10k sat down at my feet and grabbed his gun, setting it in his lap for security, he laid his head down by my knee. I grabbed my pistol, cocking before moving my legs so I was sitting mermaid style in the chair. it wasn't long before my breaths evened out and my eyes fluttered close, but 10k stayed awake, watching what was going around him as usual just more relaxed .

" Scared of that one." I heard Murphy mumble to Doc who he was playing drug poker with, but Murphy kept cheating. " Best not to mess." Doc replied glancing at the loaded gun in my lap.

" You know if we breed those two, it'd be all over for the zombies?" Murphy leaned forward to Doc. 10k's head shot up and he blushed at Murphy's words, They laughed at 10k's embarrassed expression.

10k's POV.

I rested my head against her knee, a ghost of a smile on my lips. That was fun, more fun then I've had in a long time. I closed my eyes, lulled slightly by Mercy's quiet breathing, every now and then she would make a cute little noise through her nose and then she would smile. She was dreaming and it was adorable.

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