Chapter six: Zunami

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"10k what are you doing?" Mercy gasped as I gently pulled her onto my lap. " I don't know," I whispered to her slowly with my eyes closed. I rested my hands on her hips before I moved them so she was straddling my waist. We were both unarmed at the moment, she was wearing her regular clothes while I was wearing the sweater she got me. I nuzzled my head into the crook of her neck, I felt Mercy slip her hands into the holes of my sweater sleeves. I smirked before I placed a soft kiss under her ear, leading down to just under her jaw, before I pulled away. But I didn't stay away long, I kissed the corner of her mouth. This time I pulled away watching Mercy's reaction to me. She had her green eyes closed with her lips parted just a tiny bit. I took one of my hands away from hers, I reached up and gently touched jaw, gliding my fingertips down to her lips where I pulled down her lower lip. " 10k.." She breathed. " I don't know and I don't care, all I know is you. It's always been you, I want you, Mercy." She opened her eyes at my words. " I love you." I breathed before my lips crashed into hers.

I groaned, rolling to my side. I had fallen asleep in the middle of the street. I sluggishly unwrapped my scarf from my neck, I squeezed the sweat from it into my mouth. Gross, I know but I'm thirsty.

Thirsty's an understatement really, I'm dehydrated.

I looked over at Mercy who was almost asleep a couple feet from me. Even though I was so thirsty, I tossed the scarf at her, hitting her stomach. She groaned, opening her eyes while picking up the scarf, looking at it. " Why?" She groaned, letting her head fall back down. She felt the dampness getting the message she squeezed the rest of the sweat into her mouth.

" Water isn't gonna find you just sitting there." Murphy's annoying voice spoke to Warren.

Shut up.

" Why are you so freaking chipper?" Warren muttered. " I've been wondering that myself. Maybe it's cuz I conserve my precious bodily fluids." Murphy shrugged.

" What is that?" I muttered, looking up as I felt and heard a loud rumble. " Earthquake?" I added, squinting my eyes at the coming dust cloud.

" More like a zombie quake." Doc corrected.

" Goddamn guys just won't quit." Warren breathed standing up. " Mother of God that I don't believe in." Mercy breathed when she looked up.

" I suggest we run for it." Murphy suggested, standing up he started to run but quickly turned around when he saw that nobody was following. " Come on, people. Pick it up." He cheered.

Shut up, just. Shut. Up.

" I We can't. Dehydrated." Warren breathed, falling back against the car she was leaning against.

" Come on.

Keep movin'.

Come on.

Let's go" Murphy cheered us on. I got up, trying to go fast as I grabbed my pack and gun.

" Mercy, c'mon." I shrugged my stuff on, walking to her. " Fine." She groaned, sitting up she grabbed her pack, gun and axe. Which was now her close range weapon. She still carried her other stuff but she used that the most for close range Z's. She didn't use her six shooter because she didn't have any ammo for it.

I grabbed her upper arm, dragging her along beside me as I took off running with the rest of the group.

" There!" Warren shouted, pointing at a Mortuary. Z's were close behind us, nipping on our tails. The rest of the group ran into the building, but Mercy and I were last, closest to the zombies.

" AH! 10k, get it off! Get it off!" Mercy screamed as a z grabbed onto her. She swung her axe trying to hit it but it was to fast. I raised my gun, stepping back away from her. " I can't get a shot!" I grunted.

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