Chapter 16

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The first wagon arrived shortly after eight the next morning. By nine o'clock, almost the whole town showed to work on building the Griggs new home. Not a cloud was in sight in the bright blue summer sky, and the air was uncomfortably warm.

Toward noon, a cool breeze soothed the men working up a sweat making good progress. Children ran around the barn and across the property, playing a game that had the women laughing as they watched their antics.

It was a happy day, a day that cast a spell over all who were in attendance, and Ashfield in particular. After talking with Louisa yesterday, he made up his mind to ask her if she would be agreeable to having him call on her. However, when he drove onto the property and saw all the people gathered, he lost his nerve.

After parking his buggy, he unknowingly sought her out and found her standing with the other women, arranging the food upon the tables.

She turned and saw him and waved, bestowing a heavenly smile that kicked his heart into a worrisome pace and had his palms sweating. He gathered his courage and took a step toward her, only to have the moment ruined when Cecilia Morton gained her attention once again.

Blowing out a relieved yet disappointed breath, Ashfield turned and found Sterling. He sat near the barn, watching the men work on the house, looking as though he wanted to go over and join in the construction. He could use a good squabble right now.

It would get his mind off Louisa and the nagging desire to ask her embarrassing questions she would surely say no to. Making up his mind, he walked over to Sterling and tried to push all thoughts of the enchanting redheaded woman out of his head.

Sterling rested in a comfortable chair, observing the progress on the house with some irritation. It annoyed him that he wasn't allowed to participate in the activity. More than anything, he wanted to keep his hands and body busy so he would stop thinking about Dottie—or about last night.

He wore the same borrowed shirt and pants he'd left Ashfield's in yesterday, and was more than ready to have his own clothes again. The pants, which were six inches too short, worked themselves free of his tall boots the moment he bent his knees to sit.

The shirt was baggy enough, but he had rolled the sleeves to his elbows because they were also too short. Next time he found himself in a life or death situation, he would make sure to bring along a fresh change of clothing.

Claiming his arms pained him earlier, he managed to persuade Dottie to brush his hair this morning. But it hung loose down to his shoulders since she quickly made an excuse before he could sweet-talk her into tying it back for him in his customary queue.

After Dottie deserted him, and the first few men and their families arrived, he'd carefully made his way down to find Louisa who then told him a chair had been set up for him.

Forbidden to participate in any manner at the house by both a formidable Louisa and Dottie, he'd been here ever since. To make matters worse, Ashfield walked over and sat nearby like a watchful guard dog, no doubt ensuring Sterling obeyed orders to stay put.

"Don't even think about going over there."

Sterling turned to Ashfield in amusement, "I wasn't."

Ashfield raised an eyebrow and leaned forward, "Not even to talk to Mack regarding the plans for next week."

Turning his attention to the workers, Sterling murmured, "You don't scare me, Ashfield...or should I call you Lawrence?"

Ashfield's eyes widened and then narrowed, "How do you know my name?"

Sterling's lips bent in a smug smile, "Have you forgotten I lived with you for almost two weeks—during which time I spent a great deal of it all on my lonesome?"

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