Chapter 21

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Sterling folded his arms and waited.

Dottie chewed the inside of her cheek as her blush intensified, creeping up her neck to her hairline. She wouldn't do it.

The Dottie he knew, no matter how badly she wanted to show she was game for anything, would never willingly do something as promiscuous as unbuttoning her dress for him to take a look even if it was only three buttons that he'd asked her to undo.

Dottie eyed him warily. She'd never been good at resisting a dare from him, and he knew it. From a young age, she always tried to prove there was nothing she wouldn't do to show she was just as brave, and in some cases just as stupid, as the boys were.

This was one of those moments. Dottie couldn't back down now from the challenge she saw in his eyes. It would be more than gratifying to see a look of astonishment in place of the smirk that currently bent his lips.

To strengthen her resolve, Dottie reminded herself that evening gowns bared more flesh than those three little buttons could ever dream of. But somehow, this had a feeling of wickedness to it she secretly relished.

He didn't think she would do it, that much was evident. Squaring her shoulders, she stared at Sterling as her fingers rose to her top button.

His grin froze on his face, and his eyes flew open wide. When she slowly undid the second button, his taunting grin vanished. She was actually doing it.

In mute shock, he watched her fingers pluck the third button free. His gaze flew to hers; she'd done it. Gulping in a ragged breath, he lowered his gaze to her chest.

Dottie slowly moved the material aside so that the mole was clearly in view.

Sterling shoved his hands in his pockets to refrain from touching her, leaned forward, and took a good look at the mole, forcing his eyes not to wander to the freckles scattered across the uncovered expanse of skin before him.

Freckles he'd always wanted to kiss, to see if they tasted as good as they looked, stared back at him, enticing him. It was a ridiculous thought, and he knew it, but he'd never thought freckles to be beautiful or exciting except for the ones adorning her flesh.

Dottie tipped her head down and stared at the spot in question for several heart-stopping moments. She would have to look in a mirror when she had the chance tonight to make sure, but even from her vantage point, she saw the mole for what it was. How had she never noticed it before?

She sighed in defeat. "It does look like a turtle."

"A turtle!" he exclaimed at the same time, laughing in triumph. He smiled up at Dottie and forgot all about her partially open bodice when their eyes met and held his.

Words left him. Dottie's shoulders were slumped, her hands hung dejectedly at her sides, and a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. He'd never seen any woman look more desirable than she looked in that moment.

With him in his stooped position, they stood exactly eye-to-eye, and having him so close, looking directly at her was dangerous territory. The reserve Dottie had worn as armor whenever around him completely deserted her. Try as she might, she couldn't muster up the desire to move or look away from him.

Her arms were empty; the need to reach out and touch him almost too strong to resist. The long whiskey-colored locks of his hair hanging loose to his shoulders, beckoned her to run her fingers through them and discover if they were as silky smooth as they looked.

Even his eyes spoke to her, begging her to take another step closer. He smelled of leather and clean outdoors, mixed with the soap she'd seen him use to wash himself that morning.

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