Chapter 41

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Louisa brushed Dottie's hair and helped fashion it in a more intricate style from what she usually wore. She was thrilled and relieved when they told her their good news as soon as she awoke earlier that morning.

The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky, as though it too gave its good wishes to the couple. Sterling rode into town at nine o'clock and was gone for well over two hours rounding up the preacher and a few of their close friends for the wedding.

A half-hour ago, he returned saying they were going to be getting married within the next two hours and that he had something special planned.

After pulling Louisa aside and whispering instructions on where to take Dottie for the ceremony, he gave two large brown paper packages to her—one of them for her, the other for Dottie. He kissed his bride quickly and left the barn with a sly wink. Dottie stood in stunned confusion, watching him quickly mount Fancy and race back toward town.

Her mother ushered her up to their room and began helping her prepare for her wedding day. Louisa placed the packages on her bed and opened the one Sterling said was hers. Inside was a brilliant, emerald silk gown.

There was even a small package of clothing for Elliot tucked inside the wrapping. After undressing down to their petticoats and corsets, they worked at braiding and styling one another's hair, giddy and restless as the hour for the ceremony drew near.

When Louisa declared Dottie's hair finished, she gave her the package from Sterling, holding her breath while she watched Dottie unfold the paper to reveal a beautiful light gray silk dress with a long black lace fitted coat with flowing sleeves.

"Mama, pinch me," Dottie whispered. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she stared at the dress meant to be her wedding gown. How had he managed to find such a gown on such short notice?

Reaching down a trembling hand, she pinched the material between her thumb and finger and shook her head in wonder. "I'm not dreaming, am I, Mama?"

Louisa smiled and knuckled the tears from her cheeks as she wrapped an arm around Dottie's shoulders. When Dottie began biting her thumbnail, she looked at her daughter and asked in bewilderment, "Why on earth are you frowning? This is your wedding day. You should be smiling from ear to ear."

"Mama..." Dottie stared at the dress laid out before her. "What will people think?"

Louisa scoffed. "They'll think you look radiant and wish they could take your place in marrying Sterling. I know several women, young or otherwise, who'll be green with envy now that he's no longer available." She bent and set the black lace coat aside and gathered the dress carefully in her hands.

The material was the creamiest silk she'd ever touched. She didn't know of any other woman who'd worn such a finely made dress since the war. It had arrived at Mable Crowley's dressmaking shop over four months ago and stayed in the window since then. Dottie's stubborn refusal to go to town now proved to be beneficial in granting this wonderful surprise.

No one in town had any reason to purchase such an expensive or extravagant dress, and she had to admit it was perfect for Dottie's wedding. It was respectful for nearing the end of her mourning, and yet beautiful enough to show today was a day for happiness and celebrating life and love.

Elliot began fussing in his crib, drawing Dottie's attention away from her dress. She scooped him up and held him to her chest, swaying with him as her eye returned once more to her gown.

Pressing a kiss to his forehead, she worried, "Are we rushing into this by getting married so soon? I feel like I've been waiting for this day for forever, but...what if-"

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