Chapter 40

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Ashfield took Louisa into his arms and leaned against the side of the barn, "What a far, this is my favorite moment."

"Mine too," Louisa smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Should I not have called you Lawrence upstairs? Would you prefer I use Ashfield when we're in public?" She rested her head against his shoulder and waited for his answer.

Almost a half-hour ago, she'd walked him down to his buggy, but they were reluctant to say goodbye just yet. She turned slightly and gazed out toward her nearly completed home and the starry night sky beyond.

"We have nothing to hide," He sighed, "you could call me anything you like, and I'd answer."

The ease with which she had captured his heart made him nervous, but every time he looked at her, he grew calm once more. Louisa cared for him just as strongly as he cared for her. He could see the truth of it in her eyes.

Ashfield pressed a kiss to her head and murmured, "What are you thinking?" He waited for her reply, running his hands up and down her back, rubbing the tension from the muscles.

"Hmm?" she mumbled. Her gaze traveled where she knew the poppy garden to be. What would William have thought of her falling in love with Lawrence? Within seconds of the question forming in her mind, an unmistakable warmth and overwhelming sense of rightness filled her heart.

A year ago, she never would have believed she'd be standing here, allowing herself to embrace the love she held for a man who wasn't her William, or that she'd think William was pleased and accepting of it.

Ashfield smiled and repeated softly, "You're awful quiet. What're you thinking?"

Louisa closed her eyes and sighed, "Oh, this and that." Biting her lip, she stared up at him, "I want to say something, but I don't know if the right time to say it is now, what with everything happening."

Ashfield tensed, "What do you want to say?" He held his breath for what seemed an eternity as he waited for her to speak.

She caressed his cheek and declared softly, "That I love you."

He feared he might faint from relief and happiness. A deep sigh escaped his lips as he tucked several wisps of hair behind Louisa's ear. His heart knocked against his ribs, reminding him once again how fortunate he was to have found this woman he never wanted to let go of. "You had me worried there for a moment."

She gazed at him and played with the silky curls by his left ear, "Why?"

"Because," A grin played with the corners of his lips before he whispered, "I thought you were going to tell me you'd changed your mind."

"Changed my—" she blinked in confusion, and then exclaimed, "Oh. Oh no—no, never." She shook her head and caressed his cheek, "Never." She pressed a tender kiss to his lips, hugged him tightly around the waist, and rested her head on his shoulder with a contented sigh.

Ashfield wrapped his arms more firmly around her, bringing her snugly against his chest and touched his lips to her forehead, "I love you too."

"I was hoping you would say that," She pressed a kiss to his neck, "I'm delighted you did."

"Yes," he teased, "this would have been a rather awkward situation if I didn't, wouldn't it?"

Louisa's quiet laughter joined with his deep rumbling chuckles.


The pungent aroma of eucalyptus from the steaming bowls they used throughout the night infused the air of the loft. Sterling cradled a slumbering Elliot in his arms, watching him as his heart constricted with love. He would never have thought he could love a child that wasn't his natural-born child as quickly or as deeply as he'd come to love Elliot.

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