Everything's Changing- A Dallas Winston Love story

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Everything goes to S.E Hinton except for Summer, and other original characters!

Author's Note:

Hello, I have decided to post this story and I hope that you like it! I have posted this story on fanfiction.net mainly and it has had success. I hope you all like it! Please vote!


                I heard the front door open and slam shut and I winced. Oh great she’s mad again. I thought worriedly. “Summer Curtis you get your ass down here right now!” I heard my mother yell. Even better, she’s mad at me. I thought, a knot forming in my stomach. I stood up figuring things would only be worse if I didn’t listen. I walked down the stairs shaking in fear of what she had to say.

“Yeah Mom?” I asked confused. She turned around and stumbled closer to me. I already knew she was drunk. She got close enough for me to smell the foul odor of alcohol and stale cigarettes on her breath.

“You’re going to Tulsa, Oklahoma and you’re going to stay there.” She said, her deep brown eyes almost closing. I can remember when things weren’t like this, when my dad still lived here and he hadn’t decided to live with a younger woman. The confusion finally hit me, why would I be going to Tulsa, Oklahoma?

“Why?” I manage to say in almost a voice so quiet it sounded like a whisper.

“You’re going to live with your aunt and uncle Curtis.” She said.

“But Mom they died a few years back, don’t you remember Darry’s looking after Pony and Soda now I’m sure he doesn’t need another minor to worry about.” I said trying to make her remember the sad looks on the Curtis boys faces’ as their parents were buried.

“I don’t care, I’m sure I don’t deserve your shit twenty-four-seven.” She said coldly and menacingly. I wasn’t positive if she was sure because by the time morning rolls around she could forget she even thought about sending me away.

“I don’t give you shit Mom, honestly I go to school, bring home good grades, clean, cook, all I don’t do is work. If you want me to get a job I promise you I will.” I said pleading with the drunken woman. She shook her head.

“Sorry honey you and I both know you’re lying.” She said with a laugh. I knew she was lying to herself. She didn’t care that I did everything to make her happy because that still wasn’t enough, I wasn’t my dad and I couldn’t support her like he could. “You’re going whether you like it not. Pack your shit and get out by morning. I have your plane ticket on the counter over there.” She said pointing to the kitchen counter where a white envelope sat. “Your cousins will be expecting you sometime tomorrow I already talked to uh what’s the young one’s name again?” She asked.

“Ponyboy.” I said.

“That’s it, good ol’ Ponyboy, he ought of be your age now right?” She asked trying to make me want to go. I shook my head. “No? Well I’ll be damned I thought that kid was born a few months after you was.” She said shaking her head.

“No Mom he’s only fourteen, I’m seventeen.” I said. If anything she should be telling me about Sodapop who is sixteen. I could relate more to him than anyone else down there.

Ponyboy’s P.O.V…

                I twiddled my thumbs nervously. I had held off telling Darry that I had happily accepted our Aunt’s suggestion of Summer moving down here for long enough. I think I got excited that we would have another Curtis down here. I walked over to Darry who was sitting on the couch drinking a glass of water tapping his foot to the new Beatles song. “Hey Darry I got some news.” I said sitting down next to him.

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