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Carter's POV

I sit in the back of the class with my feet on the table and my arms behind my head. When Mr S, my home room teacher walks him he scowls at me. I roll my eyes at him not interested.

While Mr S is taking attendance he is interrupted by a knock on the door. He walks over to it and opens it.

A hot brunette with blue eyes and a slender but curvy body walks in. She has bright sapphire eyes which look oddly familiar. But then again I would remember a face like hers... I mean really.

Why does she look so familiar?

"Ah! You must be the new student!" Mr S exclaims clapping his hands.

She looks at him bored with an unreadable expression on her face. Almost as if she doesn't really want to be here-that would make two of us.

"Psst!!!" Whispers Aiden who's next to me.

My head snaps in his direction. I look at him expectantly,arching an eyebrow.

"That's the hot chick that I was telling you about. The one that kept roasting me."

I chuckled. Catching everyone's attention including the mystery girl. Who was now staring at me. I smirked and winked at her, which got the opposite reaction I was hoping for.

She didn't get all giddy like other girls she rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Mr S. Most girls stared at her with their mouths hanging open while others gave her the stink eye.

"Would you like to introduce yourself Miss-" before Mr S could finish his sentence she had already cut him off.

"My name is Thea Crawford and that's all you need to know about me."

At the mention of that name I froze, every muscle in my body became tense, my jaw clenched and I balled my fists.

I'm such a fucking idiot! How could I forget those eyes. The same eyes that drove me insane about ten years ago. Those eyes could make me do anything in less than a heartbeat.

I hear Aiden wolf whistle from next to me. Making my blood boil.

I turned to her wanting to see her expression only to be met with a blank one.

"Can I sit down?" She asks boredly.

"Yes. You can take any empty seats to see available." muttered Mr S obviously not liking the fact that she cut him off before he could finish.

I scanned the class and noticed a desk in front, in the middle and one right at the back near the window, in the same row as my desk. She strolls over to the desk at the back by the window and sits down. Plugging her earphones in and staring into the distance.


I watch the clock waiting for this lesson to finally end. I need to get to my next lesson, only because I wanted to know if she's in it.

I needed to talk to her. She's so different from what I remember. More confident, looks like she broke out of her shell without me. I was meant to help her do that.

The thought makes my heart clench, I was meant to be there. We promised to stay in contact after I left. But that never happened.

I never tried to fix that and now my best friend is so close yet so far. She doesn't even recognize me. I mean I'm not surprised but...

I didn't expect her to change that much, I know I changed but I was hoping she'd stay the same.

Bring bring

Finally this lessons over. I chuck my books in my bag and head out before the teacher dismisses us. Hey, she should be happy I bothered to show up this time.

I walk down the hall until I get to my physics class. Which is surprising the only subject at school I like. I hardly attend the class though, too busy with gang shit.

As I walk in I notice her talking to Mrs Clark, the physics teacher. Great she's in this class! Now I'm smirking, I head back outside the class. From the door I watch their conversation. When they finish their conversation I see her walk over to a desk, taking it as my queue to walk in.

She's sitting at the desk at the back of the class, the one next to the window-again. I take long strides over to the seat next to her and plonk my stuff down. They make a 'bang' noise.

She didn't even bother looking up to see where the noice came from!


This is going to be harder than I thought.

I sigh heavily, but that changes as soon as I remember something. I smirk knowing she'll have to talk to me then.


"Now class, as you know in this specific class we do a lot of group work."

Multiple groans can be heard through the class. This lady is starting out the fucking year with a project isn't she?!

Normally I'd be super pissed but today I'll make an exception.

Mrs Clark simply ignores the groans from her senior students and carries on.

"Yes, I do know how some of you hate group work. But you're going to have to deal with it this year since senior year includes multiple group projects."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Whispers one of the kids in the class.

A blonde girl right in front of the class with glasses puts her hand up. Nerd.

"Yes?" Asks Mrs Clark.

"For the projects do we chose who we work with?"

Everyone who has ever been in Mrs Clark's class snickers. Looks like nerdy is in for a surprise.

"For those of you who have been in my class before you know how partners are chosen. You will work with the person sitting next to you. These are double desks and the person sitting at the same desk as you is your project partner. Also I hope you love the seats you've chosen since they're your permanent seats!" She explains clapping her hands.

I smirk, I love this seat. Now Crawford you won't have a choice but to talk to me.


Mrs Clark has finally finished telling us about our project. She told us to start brainstorming ideas. Each group will be given a topic so that no two groups do the same thing.

I turn to Thea only to find her still facing the window. I clear my throat as an attempt to get her attention, but fail.

Wow she must have really zoned out then. I move closer to her until my mouth is by her ear.

"Thea" I whisper.

Her head immediately whips in my direction. Her eyes looking lost and confused. She raises a brow as if asking me why I got her attention.

"Who are you?" She asks with a creased brow.

"Carter Adams."

I notice her eyes widen dramatically so she does remember me.


"Looks like we're partners." I say smirking.



So I finished a long two weeks of exams.
So nadibans  I UPDATED so now you can leave me alone😜

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this guys. I'll try and update again soon.



Ex Best Friend |Completed Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ