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Thea's POV

I stare at everyone in front of me blankly. Carter notices that I don't plan on talking to any of the people who are sending my curious glances. So he drags me into the kitchen.

The first thing you notice when walking into the kitchen is the counter stacked with food. Then you notice a middle-age women standing by the stove, flipping some pancakes.

Emma sees the lady and struggles in Carter's hold. Obviously silently saying put me down. Carter gently sets her on the floor and she walks-more like skips over to the women.

She lightly taps the lady to get her attention. The lady immediately stops what she's doing and pays her full attention to Emma.

"Yes, sweetie?" Asks the women.

Now that I think about it, that voice is awfully familiar. I just can't remember where I know it from.

"Mommy, Carter's friend is nice! She played tag with me while you guys were busy downstairs!" Exclaims an excited Emma.

Oh shit. I'm an idiot. It's Asshats mother. How did I not remember the voice of the person who played the role of a second mother in my life?

"Is that so? Well I'd love to meet her," replies Mrs Adams, tucking a piece of hair behind Emma's ear.

Carter clears his throat next to me to catch their attention.

"Well, mom hate to break it to you but you've already met her." He says casually.

His mother sends him a confused look and then focuses her attention onto me. As soon as she sees me she gasps, and her hand automatically goes to cover her mouth.

She stares at me shocked.


I smile, "Yeah Mrs A it's me."

The biggest smile breaks out into her face. Before I know it I'm caught in her arms. Wow she moves fast-I hug her back.

When she pulls away I notice tears forming in her eyes. I smile and she brings me in for another hug.

After our second hug she hits Carter on the side of his head.

"That's for not telling me that Thea moved here." She said while glaring but then a smile broke out onto her face.


After catching up with Mrs A-I mean Olivia. She wasn't too fond of me calling her by her surname.

Anyway after that she dished me a plate of pancakes and told me to take a seat. So I walk out of the kitchen with Carter hot on my tale.

I walk into the dinning room and all eyes turn to me once more. Fucking great. I almost forgot I need to socialize.

I see a armchair in the corner of the room and walk towards it. It's in the lonesome corner away from all the people. As I sit down I see Carter give me a flat look. I raise my eyebrow, silently asking him what.

He lets out an exaggerated sigh and runs his hand down his face.

"Thea, you do know you have to introduce yourself, right? It's called being polite." He mumbles.

"Well, you do know that taking someone, and dragging them to your car without telling them where you are taking them it's called kidnapping. It's a criminal offense, you know?" I counter back.

I hear multiple snickers from the crowd around us. The guys are all wearing stupid fucking smirks.

"Your damn difficult. You know that?" He asks annoyed.

"Yeah, yeah. Tell me something I don't know." I say waving him off.

"Well these people here," he says pointing to five guys, "they are my best friends."

He turns to me as if expecting a response. I simply shrug my shoulders with out a care in the world.

He opens his mouth to introduce them but before he can I cut him off.

"If you don't mind Carter I'd like to eat my breakfast in silence. So could you, um I don't know? Maybe shut up?" I say in a snappy tone.

The girls in the room laugh after seeing Carter's shocked face. The shakes his head and leaves the room mumbling to himself.

I zone out and eat my breakfast, ignoring my surroundings.



So I know most of you are probably already planning my funeral after this really long wait. But, before you kill me I have a proposition:

Don't kill me and I'll update in the next couple of days?
Kill me?

It's up to you, comment on your choice. So I hope life is going well and that everyone's day has been great so far.

I'm not going to say I plan on updating more often because I've realized that every time I say that I do the opposite. So bear with me and my really slow updates.

Also thank you guys so much for 26k reads!💘 You guys are amazing. This book would be nothing without you guys, without you guys it would just be a bunch of words on a screen. So thank you sooo much❣️



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