Chapter 11

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I had to fight back the growl that threatened to leave my throat as I stepped forward.

"So you want me to kill her?" I barked.

I could hear Khloe's breath hitch as she took a small step back.

Lord Bronwyn only smirked.

"You won't kill her if you do it right."

I tisked.

Doing it right isn't what I'm worried about. I'm perfectly capable of doing right, but Khloe isn't capable of surviving it.

In order for me to pull off a class three hemorrhage without killing her, the blood in her body would have to be going at a regular pace to begin with.

Knowing Khloe, I'm fully aware that that is not the case for her right now.

And killing her was not something that I had planned for a while.

"I refuse," I stated.

I didn't spend good money on a pet just to kill it a couple days later.

Lord Bronwyn's eyes narrowed as some of the tension left Khloe's shoulders.


Khloe flinched as I placed my hand on her back, preventing her from stepping further back.

Great, now I have to come up with some bullshit excuse.

He wouldn't like my actual reasons.

"I have no intention of drinking from a live host until the blood moon," I stated.

Lord Bronwyn kept his gaze on me as silence enveloped the room, save for Khloe's shaky deep breaths.

"I see" he hissed before his smirk quickly returned to his face, "Then let me retrieve one of my guards, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to do it."

A growl did escape my throat this time as I felt myself tense up.

There's no way in hell I'm going to let anyone touch my pet.

Lord Bronwyn stood, making a move to go get one of the guards outside.

"Wait," I spoke.

Lord Bronwyn stopped where he was, a pleased smirk residing on his face.

Khloe hesitantly glanced up at me, pure fear and regret evident on her face.

"Yes?" Lord Bronwyn asked as he stepped back towards his throne.

I glared at him as he sat back down like he already knew what I was about to say.

"I'll do it."

Any tension that had left Khloe's body just returned in the blink of an eye.

Lord Bronwyn leaned his head onto his hand as his elbow rested on the armrest.

"Get on with it then." He chimed.

I glanced down at Khloe.

Her eyes seemed to be glued to the ground as her entire body trembled with fear.

My tongue grazed against my fangs as I let out a sigh.

This is going to suck, for her especially. It's already bad enough that her first bite will be this extreme.

I planned on taking the whole 'feeding from her' thing slower for her.

It takes trust in order to have a fairly decent pet.

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