Chapter 79

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The world around me was calm as my consciousness came back to me.

My body was warm and comfortable, a feeling that automatically told me that I was in Nico's bed.

Memories of what had happened began to flash in my mind, forcing me to open my eyes, my heart skipping a beat at the thought that I had just passed out from the pain.

What I saw, however, denied that thought.

I was lying facing the bathroom, seeing Nico sitting in his desk chair.

He was facing me, but he wasn't looking at me.

Instead, he was hunched over, elbows set on his knees and his palms pressed against his forehead. His hair fell loosely between his fingers

His shoulders rose and fell slowly, but not evenly.

How long was I out?

I tried to move but stopped almost immediately once I felt some resistance against pretty much my entire torso.

Looking down at myself, I first noticed that the shirt I was previously wearing had been replaced with a looser and softer one. Luckily the collar of the shirt was large enough and loose enough for me to see under it, noticing the bandages wrapped around my body from a little past the bottom of my ribs all the way to my shoulders, coming over them kind of like a tank top.

My brain didn't even want to stress on focusing what Nico might have seen while he did this.

I just felt so unbelievably grateful and relieved that my back didn't feel nearly as bad as it did.

Somehow it only felt sore and achy where the lashes were.

Nico must have numbed it or something because there's no way it felt like this naturally.

Even regardless of that I still needed to be careful. Just because I couldn't feel it as much as I should, doesn't mean that the wounds were healed.

So, with that in mind, I slowly began pushing the upper half of my body up, allowing the blanket to fall off of my shoulders.

I let out a small sigh at my body's reaction to this.

My entire body felt stiff and tired. My muscles even felt sore.

I guess after all everything my body was put through, this was to be expected.

I immediately glanced up towards Nico after my sigh, watching his head shoot up at the sound.

His eyes widened the moment he saw me.

He almost instantly stood up, hastily taking a couple quick eager steps towards me before he appeared to have changed his mind on something and slowed himself down to a stop a couple feet away from me.

That guilty look reappeared on his features.

He opened his mouth, immediately closed it, and then began nervously chewing on his bottom lip, all while his eyes searched the floor.

I could tell that he was blaming himself for this whole thing.

I wanted to say something but I didn't even know what to say. So many different things have happened since we've actually normally spoken to each other that I didn't even know what to bring up first.

Luckily Nico spared me the panic of trying to decide how to break this awkward atmosphere by doing it himself.

"So um," he began clearing his throat before continuing, "How do you feel?" He asked, only looking at me towards the end of the sentence.

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