Chapter 24

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Khloe's POV:

I know that Master said that giving me these things would give me something else to do than stare out this window, but the light coming in from it was the perfect lighting to draw in.

So, yet again, I was sitting on the window sill, catching up on some long-awaited sketches.

A soft sigh escaped my lips as I sketched out the wing of a hummingbird.

I found myself actually missing Nico.

Well, not him exactly, but just his presence.

I never really noticed how exposed I felt when he wasn't around.

Or in other words, how safe I felt when he was.

Maybe safe wasn't the right word to describe it.

Comfortable perhaps?

Well, whatever it was, I missed it. Part of me even questioned how I could feel like that with a vampire around.

I perked up at the sound of the lock followed by the door opening.

That feeling was soon replaced with confusion as Doe walked into the room too, her head hanging low.

Why was she here?

Nico first looked at the bed, then looked to the window sill once he realized that I wasn't there. His eyes glanced at the sketchbook for a moment and then back at me

He didn't look like he was in a very pleasant mood.

"How was breakfast?" I asked quietly, wondering what went on with Xander.

He just looked at me for a moment, like he was debating what to say.

"Fine." is all he said, making his way towards me.

Doe rose a brow at him from behind him, questioning his answer.

I was questioning it myself, judging by the look on his face and the tension in his shoulders, 'fine' was not the honest answer.

Yet I doubted that I would get more of an answer.

I watched questingly as he brought Doe over to the couch.

Why does he have Xander's pet?

A knot formed in my stomach at the first thought that came into my mind.

What if he sent her as a spy to see if I told Nico what happened.

Nico apparently noticed the look on my face.

"She's here because Xander claimed that she's been having stomach problems," he said, looking down at her as she sat herself down onto the couch

He just tossed her leash beside her on the couch and turned towards the bathroom.

"My guess is that its just a common stomach ache, so ill keep you here for a couple hours so Xander will get some work done. If it gets worse then just tell me and ill do some further inspection." He finished, disappearing into the bathroom.

I noticed Doe visually relax with a quiet sigh.

I couldn't blame her.

Having a small break away from Xander must feel like a miracle her.

Especially on the day that he could start drinking from her again

Yet she still had this odd look on her face.

Despite everything, she looked uncomfortable.

Maybe Nico intimidated her as well?

That didn't make very much sense to me. As far as I've seen, he hasn't done anything to make her feel that way.

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